Tuesday, August 31, 2010

in your sleep

a few reasons why i cant sleep at night
• its too cold
• its too  hot
• thinking about if i should get up and pee
• figuring out if im tired or if im really hungry
• thinking if ive forgotten anything for the next day
• thinking about thoughts that lead to other thoughts
• scared of something and cant take it off my mind
• im not tired
• caffeine
• feeling bad for not brushing my teeth and then ending up brushing my teeth
• re-enacting scenarios in my head
• because im thirsty but too lazy to get a drink
• feeling bad for not finishing my homework
• scared that ill be too tired to get up the next morning
• thinking about the weather tomorrow and what to wear

    Monday, August 16, 2010

    credit cards and other things

    i applied for a credit card awhile ago without ever needing it
    because the stupid lady called me and asked if i wanted one
    and at the moment i was like "yeah why not"
    and if i didnt want it i can always cancel it
    or never go into my local branch to pick up my card

    but when the time came when i was strapped up for cash
    i went and picked up my credit card from my local westpac branch
    since then i have been using my credit card like (almost) wild fire
    i think im in the middle of using more than i make in a week
    so there goes my savings

    and at the same time i have been visiting these coupon sites my friends have intro-ed me to
    and i have been making small purchases that are slowly adding up
     (sad face)
    so if you ever get bored and want to explore visit these sites

    at the moment the only reason i seem to be blogging
    is because im trying to stay away from these sites
    theres this certain coupon i want to purchase that my friends have already told me not to buy
    because we dont need it
    i need to stay away from it until the offer expires.
    im pretty sure i can stay away til then

    but until that happens,
    i should really hide my credit card somewhere
    so i dont end up using it