Saturday, September 18, 2010


ive decided to change blogs.
im moving to wordpress.

i plan to blog there from now on
and have this place completely closed off and on private.
hopefully i would blog more often,
maybe on my work, inspiration and life.

i need to do something career orientated at the moment
because im scared that after i finish my course,
i wont be able to find a job.
im going to start blogging things i dont mind people seeing. =/

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

in the spring

in exactly eight more weeks the semester ends.
i absolutely cannot wait to have free time and do nothing in the summertime.
but as for now im waiting for the real spring to arrive
weather this week is gong to be a downer
and that makes me sad.
especially after being sick for the past two weeks
and having life threatening coughing fits in my sleep.
i seriously felt like my lungs were going to fall out

Thursday, September 9, 2010

green peas

i havent been eating green peas lately
but i have been on my green Ps for the last couple of days
and forgot to tell my friends
i havent even put up my green Ps in the car
should really do it soon.

coincidentally.. my name came up for free boost
same time round last year.
i think some higher being is trying to tell me im not that bad of a driver
even though some of my friends still fear the thought of me driving.

Monday, September 6, 2010

screen worlds

heres a short timeslice i made at acmi.
as i was watching this i was a little sad because i realised my feet werent off the ground
even though it looks like im jumping. (sad face)
i might have to learn to jump a little higher next time.