Friday, January 29, 2010


i like to eat a different variety of fruits
and whilst in vietnam of last year
my aunty bought me tons of different fruit to eat
and one of them were pomegranate
i remember telling her how it looked just like a pretty pebble
whilst i was separating it like corn to eat

a few days ago i found some pomegranate in a fruit shop
and bought a few to eat and yummmm!
i wish we had more pomegranates sold around here
so jenny and i can sneak down stairs
at night and eat them when were bored!

Monday, January 25, 2010

sleeping with wolves

i lose hope and crouch under the phone booth
i see them coming towards me, its cold and snowing
i make no effort in getting away this time
with my eyes closed, head down
and arms wrapped around my legs, i shiver violently

Sunday, January 24, 2010

i can so cook

finally alone with no siblings in my way!

so dad went to queensland for a while
and whilst at home i cooked
because i refuse to let tommy eat take away
unless his friends were over or something

it was good cooking without having dad behind me
constantly pestering
"you dont know what youre doing"
"you better eat what you cook"
"you better clean up after yourself"
"your making such a racket"
"so are you going to start cooking from now on?"

anyways i didnt take pictures of everything
but these are what i made

eggplant fries! (not as good as crooners though)

honey soy stir fry noodles with mushrooms, eggplant and bean shoots
with rockmelon and apple juice

curried vegies (carrot, potato, eggplant and mushrooms) with coconut and lime continental rice (rice was gross though, dont ever try it! trust me)

penne pasta in creamy sauce with broccoli, pumpkin, mushrooms, carrots
potato croquettes with cheese and sweet corn
nougat with chopped pistachio nuts (didnt turn out right, was more like a marshmallow)
chicken schnitzel wrapped in a tortilla with mayo whilst i had the same with vegie fingers from birds eye (gotta love birds eye and other baked goods)
fried tofu with rice
mango and lemon sorbet smoothies
coffee cookies and cream milkshakes

other than that we had
birds eye fish fingers and vegie fingers as nightly snacks
and crunchy nut for breakfast
which would of really been more like dunch (lunch/dinner?)
and of course nightly cups of milk with nesquik and milo!

i enjoyed the 10 or so days without my dad at home
doing house chores have never been so fun
especially when tommy and i close the gate at like 4 in the morning
and it wont be open til 5 in the afternoon the next day
unless i had work.. haha
which i really struggled to wake up on time for.

Friday, January 8, 2010

happy snaps

now that i have a job and i get paid
i cant wait to go and buy cameras!
i think im going to build my collection slowly
here are a few things on my list

olympus e-p2

diana f+ deluxe kit

i cant wait to save up and buy these
but in the mean time,
im going to start and experiment on my matchbox pinholes again

(and yes i made this using a matchbox, electrical tape, some film, a pin and a can)

heres a few images from the first batch a while back

because it was my first time making the pinhole,
pictures didnt come out that great.
but should be better next time!

Friday, January 1, 2010

tell dad im in a movie!

tommy reads his text message from johnny saying
"tell dad im in a movie!"

tommy: hey kim johnny sent me this, what movie?
kim: i dunno? alvin and the chipmunks? avatar?
tommy: why would he tell me that?
kim: er so you can tell dad
tommy: are you sure his watching a movie?
kim: yeh
tommy: i think he means his in a movie, like acting
(kim bursts out laughing)
kim: why would you think that?
tommy: i dunno, then why would johnny want to tell dad his in a movie?
kim: because maybe dad was trying to call johnny,
and he couldnt pick up his phone?
tommy: oh.. yeh.. lol

my dads just left for queensland, yay
hello twenyty-ten