Tuesday, April 13, 2010

last names

so we were talking about last names,
nguyens in particular..
and the conversation kinda went something like this

t talking about how his friend is a nguyen,
my best friend is a nguyen and how im a nguyen..
a totally agrees how there are so much of us
t and a start to remember a past employee who was also a nguyen
"what was his name again?"
t and a.. "johnny! thats his name. that guy was.."
(in fear of hearing something i didnt want to hear)
k raises hand and admits "yeh, that was my brother"
t and a look at k
t: no.. cant be
(conversation continues..)
k: no its my brother, he use to work there
(trying to convince them johnny is my brother)
t and a: whatever, that guy lived in oak park, he use to work with d
t: and where do you live? like in upfield?
a: oh no wait, w lived in oak park
t: no j he lived in oak park!
k: dudes, i think i know my own brother.
why dont you just believe me?
a: ok ok. what did he have on the side..
k: a red transformer decal!

and with that one answer, i convinced them that he was my brother.

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