Wednesday, June 23, 2010

forget me not

"in order to forget, we must remember something else. Spray to Forget acts as a conceptual sideways-elevator, nudging the unconscious to release a difficult memory and replace it with a more appealing one, or to create a new memory through experience."

im the type of person that remembers everything and anything
i remember a lot of useless things
my mind stores information like a hard drive
(but only memories,
everything academic just goes through the other ear)
and sometimes i just dont want to remember them anymore
but i do

im not talking about wanting to forget the negative things
im talking about useless things
things considered small to other people
and to me as well (maybe)
but having a good memory,
my head doesnt forget about it
and when i do remember these things and mention them
and only to find out the other person doesnt remember,
it makes me sad for some reason
it somewhat makes me feel insignificant
because i feel as though my mind has programmed itself
to remember this memory/fact
and therefore has subconsciously labeled it
somewhat "important" and worth remembering
but not important enough for the other person to remember

if only i can forget the things that other people forget,
i would make myself feel so much better.
but in the meantime
i have taught myself not to mention everything small
in this case,
i wont have to go through the disappointment of being forgotten
and then wanting to forget the feeling of being disappointed in the end

Sunday, June 20, 2010

eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

Clementine: This is it, Joel. It's going to be gone soon.
Joel: I know.
Clementine: What do we do?
Joel: Enjoy it.

Friday, June 18, 2010

chapter 11

"You never even worried, with Jane, whether your hand was sweaty or not. All you knew was, you were happy. You really were."

Thursday, June 10, 2010

21st thank you speech

ive just finished writing up my 21st thank you speech
its late i know
but thats what happens when you have a fake 21st party
and everything happens in the post and in the world wide web
but here is a little snippet
now to organise dates to send out cake!
(yes cake, as i had promised)

"so thank you for the
bus rides
train rides
ice cream
late night chats
debates and discussions
laughs and tears
my happy memories
your time
and most importantly,
your books.

and i know i dont hang with you guys frequently
or for some at all
but thank you for being you
and for everything else
that doesnt make sense in the world

thank you for reading =)

kim nguyen"

text message from johnny
"Awww I just cringed. Lol"

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

back to the present

been away for awhile sorting other things
will be back soon
to mope and write about all things useless.