Wednesday, June 23, 2010

forget me not

"in order to forget, we must remember something else. Spray to Forget acts as a conceptual sideways-elevator, nudging the unconscious to release a difficult memory and replace it with a more appealing one, or to create a new memory through experience."

im the type of person that remembers everything and anything
i remember a lot of useless things
my mind stores information like a hard drive
(but only memories,
everything academic just goes through the other ear)
and sometimes i just dont want to remember them anymore
but i do

im not talking about wanting to forget the negative things
im talking about useless things
things considered small to other people
and to me as well (maybe)
but having a good memory,
my head doesnt forget about it
and when i do remember these things and mention them
and only to find out the other person doesnt remember,
it makes me sad for some reason
it somewhat makes me feel insignificant
because i feel as though my mind has programmed itself
to remember this memory/fact
and therefore has subconsciously labeled it
somewhat "important" and worth remembering
but not important enough for the other person to remember

if only i can forget the things that other people forget,
i would make myself feel so much better.
but in the meantime
i have taught myself not to mention everything small
in this case,
i wont have to go through the disappointment of being forgotten
and then wanting to forget the feeling of being disappointed in the end

1 comment:

  1. but sometimes when u remember something small someone did, it makes them feel important, loved and happy that they occupy that one part of your memory :)

    my mum has a friend who has this incurable disease and everyone just started drifting away from her. the other day i told her i still remembered her taking me to maccas one day after school back in grade 2, that almost made her teary, she said "thank you so much for remembering"

    ^_______^ it doesn't mean you're insignificant if the other person doesn't remember, it just means you have another reason to FEEL (hopefully, happy!)
