Tuesday, July 27, 2010

fourth year

i was talking to my friend today
and pretty much where life is going.
we suddenly realised that we both havent gone very far in life
compared to others,
were still at uni and still dont know when well finish

when asked how long left i have at uni
i say "about a year and a half"
but in my head its more like,
"ONLY IF i dont fail,
or choose to do work placement,
or do honours, or dont drop out of this course"
and then after all that,
im not even guaranteed a job
or know that this is what i really want to do my whole life.

i just want to finish uni already
or sleep in for the next two years and get a degree
and make money.

im going to sigh myself to sleep now
i want to be like the others.
completing uni and graduating.
if only i knew what i wanted earlier
and stopped fucking around with life
it would have been nicer to me

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