Tuesday, December 8, 2009

japan itinerary

just got home two days ago
and it seems as though things have gone back to normal instantly.
feels as though ide never left!
not just my family and friends but my sleeping patterns
(been trying to fall asleep since two in the morning)
this is bad considering im pretty tired right now
and when i was in japan ide fall asleep straight away so easily

anyways so i figured there would be too much to write about japan
so ill just sum up what i did in the two and a half weeks
and of course judging from the pics ive loaded up
i had a blast!
minus perhaps a couple of days
but i absolutely love the place
and would one day love to live there for a little while
(but then again i would prob want to live everywhere i go visit)

shinjuku- technology shopping. (where i got my camera)
watami- japanese style bar where we met japanese people and tried to converse. lol
(we didnt go out late at night much because
one: i dont drink much
two: it was just shannon and i
three: can you really picture us two go clubbing? LOL)
harajuku- 105 yen shops and shopping for clothes clothes clothes!
plus the odd harajuku here and there

osaka castle- which was followed by an outdoor festival nearby
kansai airport- we had to go all the way to the airport to cash out money because our credit cards werent working at the ATM's we visited and we were heading to kyushu the next day
floating garded observatory- 173 metres above ground and onto the roof!
(i seriously couldnt believe we were able to go on the roof)

takachiho gorge- this place is special to the shintos (a religion)
because their sun goddess hid in one of the caves in this gorge
and then the world was all dark
and so the other gods had to come and find her and danced outside the cave to woo her out.
temple- we slept at a temple owned by an interracial couple who were both priests/monks
who both ate meat and had half caste kids
(their religion is just a branch off buddhism,
they dont believe that you have to sacrifice what other monks sacrifice
to achieve enlightenment, which i thought was very interesting)
mount aso fountainhead- we bought home a bottle of the mount aso water
it was soo fresh i couldnt believe i was drinking unfiltered water!
8 staff/8 student primary school- the kids and teachers/staff were soo cute.
half the staff were in our classroom when we visited
as though they were very excited to have guests at their school which i found adorable

peace memorial park- this is the most peacful park ever,
indeed was good for walks
and i felt safe in the dark as well,
unlike that southgate walk path (which leads you to crown)
miyajima island- cross by boat/ferry,
where i got my soda pop ice cream
(yum, its a fruity soda flavour with bursts of sherbert in the mixture)
this is also where we saw the big red gate and the giant spoon lol

myoshin-ji temple- where the little zen and rock pool gardens were
just loved the scenery and just sitting there playing with rocks
and listening to the water stream
noji castle- it was closed when we went,
and after that long walk from the station too =(

another place ide have liked to visit in kyoto
was the daitoku-ji temple
which has one of the best zen gardens
(rocks raked on the ground)
but it wasnt close to a staion near us
and we were only there for the day but next time for sure!

shibuya- running around looking for tattoo parlours
ueno- ate on the giant panda bridge, looked for bike gear
disneyland- so much bigger and more magical than i had previously expected.
tsukiji fish market- the place opens at 5 and closes at 6:15 every morning
so attempting to wake up for it was an epic fail
the first two times we attempted to go.
so on our third try,
i did an all nighter just so i can make it.
this place was filled will auctions in a huge shed
filled with humungous fish
and people betting and buying them to be driven back to their market shops to be sliced up,
the place smelled pretty fishy and the place is hectic
they dont give way to pedestrians
kameido- this is the suburb we stayed in when we were in tokyo.
it was a great place to explore around
late at night when we were hungry
and had the comfort of knowing we dont need to run for our last train home

the in betweens days were pretty much filled with travelling on bullet trains
(which consisted of us doing sudokus, brain teasters, knitting, playing i-spy, hangman, bento boxes, snacks, shannon smoking, sleeping and boredom)
to different cities and exploring around the area we were staying at.
eg. pachinko, arcades, shops, markets and various eateries.

japan should be on everyones list to visit.
there is always so much to do and explore here
even after all that travelling,
thats only half of the things you can do in japan.
you just need more time to explore
so if you go to japan, youde prob need a month to see the whole country
and our JR passes (japan rail passes) came in handy
we definitely got our moneys worth with them

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