Saturday, December 26, 2009

spreading christmas cheer

time and place: approx 10:30pm, johnnys apartment
what: jenny writing a last minute letter to santa,
walks out to the lounge room and asks johnny

jenny: johnny do you have anything for santa's reindeers?
johnny: err no?
jenny: (opens fridge) bread?
johnny: nah its a bit old
jenny: um ok, what do i give them then?
kim: (from johnny's room) jenny just give them water,
theyll probably be thirsty anyway.
jenny: (closes fridge) ok! (runs back to johnnys room)

she'd already given santa water because we didnt have any milk or cookies.

the next day
jenny: kim! kim! look!
santa and his reindeers drank all the water!
kim: oh wow! they must have been thirsty.

1 comment:

  1. so adorable! good to see you guys are encouraging santa to watch his figure haha
