Friday, April 30, 2010

remind me

i dont think my sea monkeys will survive this cold weather
so someone remind me to start growing them in september
when spring arrives.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

i woke up early today

but was too cold to get out of bed
so i laid there until i missed my train
and thought there really was no use going to school late
and stayed in bed the whole day
my bad habits have returned again..

Saturday, April 17, 2010

til thursday

im hanging out for thursday.
all assignments will be due
and i will have time to hang out with my new beloved diana!
i seriously cant wait.
its so tempting to open the box
but i know i shouldnt or else i wouldnt get any work done.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

parallel parking

forgot to mention i did my first parallel parking the other week.
you guys should be proud!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

last names

so we were talking about last names,
nguyens in particular..
and the conversation kinda went something like this

t talking about how his friend is a nguyen,
my best friend is a nguyen and how im a nguyen..
a totally agrees how there are so much of us
t and a start to remember a past employee who was also a nguyen
"what was his name again?"
t and a.. "johnny! thats his name. that guy was.."
(in fear of hearing something i didnt want to hear)
k raises hand and admits "yeh, that was my brother"
t and a look at k
t: no.. cant be
(conversation continues..)
k: no its my brother, he use to work there
(trying to convince them johnny is my brother)
t and a: whatever, that guy lived in oak park, he use to work with d
t: and where do you live? like in upfield?
a: oh no wait, w lived in oak park
t: no j he lived in oak park!
k: dudes, i think i know my own brother.
why dont you just believe me?
a: ok ok. what did he have on the side..
k: a red transformer decal!

and with that one answer, i convinced them that he was my brother.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


i need to organise my thoughts.
a filing cabinet could help.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

you know life hates you when..

the glass cracks on you whilst making tea (sad face)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

stuff we did

i could listen to this forever

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


i love it when people call me
just to tell me they havent forgotten about me
(smiley face)

Monday, April 5, 2010

fully tanked

H: so guess what?
K: what?
H: i started going gym
K: lol wth? but youre not fat
H: i dont have to be fat to go to gym!
K: ahahha then why are you going to gym?
H: i wanna bulk up and be tank
K: oh, but youre tall..

Sunday, April 4, 2010

happy easter

a letter jenny told me to proof read but i was too busy with other things.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

snap your knees

and wish for these!

yes, they are miranda kerr's legs
and yes, i want them.

tired of these short and stumpy legs.
must go to china and have knee surgery, might grow an inch or two

Friday, April 2, 2010

sarah connor chronicles

Q: why is the math book so sad?
A: because it's full of problems.