Monday, November 2, 2009

a sad farewell

the skyline was stolen on the day of halloween
in broad daylight
they walked straight into our drive way
and as i saw it reverse out and figured out thats not my dad in the car
they had driven off
and there was nothing i could do =(

i know its an old car
but im sad and partly pissed off i cant believe it actually happened
because it was our family car
and i grew up being driven to school in that car as a kid
and it was the first car i drove
and the primary car i drive around on supermarket runs with the siblings
or to friends houses to watch them play table tennis
or eat oven baked foods
or drive around on narrow roads with friends to laugh with

im going to miss it
the squeaky side windows
dirty window wipes
my faded p plates
crushed tissue box
my dads baby food ash tray jar
and my first mix cd for the car

and if its found and bought back home to us again
i dont know if i can bear to drive it
because its been driven by someone else
(and so itll feel really gross cos i dont know what they did to it)

at times like these ide hope more kids go trick or treating on my street.

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