Monday, March 22, 2010

jenny likes her jeans

yesterday jenny told me she didnt want to go to a party our family were going to
i thought she was crazy because what kind of kid doesnt like going out?
jenny told me she knew her mum wont let her wear her denim jeans
i told her just go wear whatever she wanted to
after changing, her mum yells at her

her mum: why are you wearing that? change back into your dress
jenny: but i dont want to, i like this
her mum: you! youre such a tomboy! all the other girls wear dresses
jenny: but i like this
her mum: you always wear that though! you have plenty of other clothes to wear. youre such a tomboy! youre exactly like a boy! dont come then, stay home!
(jenny starts to cry)
her mum: you always wear the same thing, youre going to a party, everyones going to look at you
jenny: i dont want to go anymore.
(runs upstairs heartbroken)
her mum: get down here now and change your clothes!

i dont know what happened next because i was in the middle of falling asleep after finishing work but i know she went to the party.

i kind of feel sorry for her at that moment.
jenny is not a tomboy, she just felt more comfy in jeans than a dress that day because she wanted to run around with the other kids if she were to go.
she usually likes to dress her mood, and she felt like wearing jeans so i dont see why she just cant wear them.

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