Sunday, June 14, 2009

life is no longer worth living

i dont fucking understand
how someone can cut off 8cms of hair instead of 4cms.
i specifically requested 4cms !
the fucking lady ended up cutting a whole 8cms.
im so sad i want to cry
i went out to temple with long hair
and when i went home it was above my boobs
(sorry for using my boobs as a measuring instrument)

so now i have short hair and im angry
and i regret wanting to cut off all my split ends
ide rather long, brittle and dry hair any day
compared to this short ugly too much volume healthy hair
i hate you ! i hate you a lot
you ruined my life hairdresser!

and i feel like such a sook now
and maybe i am over exaggerating
but it feels like someone had taken something away from me
and i cant have it back
its hair that ill never have again
its another 2 years til i get back the length i want

its as though ive started a new course at uni
and i was unable to get any exemptions !
so ive just wasted 2 whole years of my life
its feels as though ive wasted my time on nothing
and ive gained nothing out of it
its fucking frustrating

1 comment:

  1. awwww!!! kim - WE CAN DO A DRIVE BY lol
    i know exactly how you feel!!
    hence i only go to hairdressers who can speak english and work in a proper salon lol
