Sunday, June 14, 2009

more pets

in the past two weeks,
someone had donated two dogs,
pre-named of course
and horrible names too
simba and zorro
and zorros a girl which i found weird
because everytime i think of zorro
i think of the movie
and im pretty sure zorro was the masked heroine
anyways after the first night ide already wanted to give them away
add to that, they were loud
they were always moaning and barking
and the neighbours even complained after one night
so we tried to give it back to the owners
and they didnt want them -_-"
so we had them for a week until we had time to find a new owner
trying to call all these family friends to keep em

anyways what im trying to say is..
jenny ended up crying heaps when we gave them away
ran up stairs and slammed my door shut..
and locked it too
like its her own room

so we ended up negotiating
and bought three goldfish the next day
and kept them in a jar to keep her satisfied
because she really wants pets
i dont know why though.
its been a week and the fish are still alive..
pooing a lot..
but still alive.
lets see how long they'll last
i think these would be the first pet to die before my family gives them away.
but its good to know they dont make too much noise or jump on you with excitement

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