Monday, June 22, 2009

pants lover

so i understand that people wear leggings as pants now
though i dont really think leggings can really substitute for pants
only because i know i can never pull it off
that thing just clings on to you too much
and exposes all the uneven dimpled skin we call cellulite
and on top of that your underwear line
and that curvaceous butt of yours

so after endless lines of different leggings such as the ones with
patterns, side zips, wet looks, leopard print, assorted colours (awful colours too)
they have now come out with a 'new product'
leggings that look like jeans -_-"
seriously... what are you trying to get at here (no offence)
its sooooo bad
leggings just cant camouflage as jeans
its wrong
all they end up looking like are cheap flimsy jeans
that you definetely know arent jeans
because they done even have pockets !
theyre just thread lines ! WTF !?!
and i dont think they have belt loops either.. oh dear

and now that ive come to think of it
maybe im just writing this because i have nothing better to do
or maybe im writing this because the first time i saw someone wear "jeggings"
(thats what they are calling it)
was a girl with A LOT of 'booty' on the platform of flemington bridge station

i dont even know if ide prefer seeing people in jeggings
or girls in 80% opaque tights.. with short shirts
so then whats exposed are black knickers underneath that can be clearly seen miles away
its not a pretty sight at all.
i think ill stick to my jeans, the safest bet

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