Thursday, July 30, 2009

stitching away

here are the photos of what ive made so far

the process

(notice the back to front foot, but i fixed it afterwards)

final product after two late nights,
the ones below i made in a night so im improving!

jennys new pencil case made out of scrap material my dad bought home for me

another doll i made, it was the back up doll i made for my friend just in case the first one wasnt good enough.
turned out the first one was better than the second one


i was just importing photos of the dolls ive made so far
though most of you have seen them by now
but im posting them up anyway
and in the "pictures" file i found these weird files
and i laughed sooo hard because this is what jenny names her paint files lol
jennys so strangely in love with god, jesus and the bible
i dont know whether to say anything or not
just wait until she finds out shes not catholic or christian o_0
but i guess its cute of her to be so devoted to a religion

Sunday, July 26, 2009


just wanted to post how much i love the packaging of the new "5" gum
its just a simple black envelope like casing with a bit of colour
and the flap opens up to 12 strips/tapes (dont know what to call it)
of chewing gum
reminds me of the good old doublemint chewy strips if you still remember
and they are still popular overseas

i know its pretty much same old extra gum
thats just been rolled out thinner, repackaged and re-marketed
but its soooo sleek, elegant and sophisticated
(im such a sucker for marketing)
i love it and hope it hangs around long enough for the fruity flavours to be released

btw have you guys noticed that wrigley's is the ONLY brand that manufactures gum?
(and if im wrong then ill rephrase and say "only brand that manufactures gum in australia")
extra, juicy fruit, PK, hubba bubba, eclipse, airwaves.. and a whole lot more !

oh wait.. ok whilst thinking of gum
ive realised jila gum isnt a wrigley's brand.
so i guess i was wrong =/

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

practise run

on the weekend i finally decided to bring out my sewing machine
that has been hiding in my cupboard for about two weeks now
i did a little tidying up and made myself a work station
and with little spare material around
i managed to cut up my ghost costume
(looked more like kkk gear)
used for dress up day in year 12

so with the "bonus instructional cd"
i managed to learn how to sew
something which i havent done since year 9 textiles class
but i have always secretly wanted to learn how to sew
but i never had the time
and hence "never" had the time to buy a sewing machine
so now that i do have the time
i can make killer dolls faster
instead of hand stitching them which took ages !
took up too much time i didnt have

so heres what i went through

my work station

doll after being stuffed and dodgy embroided eyes

finally completed.
i kinda brushed on some food dye for a lil colour lol

this is only a practise doll
lincraft is having an "up to 50% off" sale on fabrics
so tomorrow im going to go crazy i hope
(if i have enough money to go crazy)

and then im going to sew some more and more
and maybe start to learn how to sew some clothes
i cant wait
be prepared to see something GREAT! (fingers crossed)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

keep left

what annoys me the most
would have to be people who stand on the right side of the escalators
and can clearly see that i am trying to get through
to catch my train
yet they stand there and look helpless like
"im sorry i dont know where to move"
and here i am giving them the
"can you get out of my fucking way so i can catch my train kind of look"
and they just stand there..
they dont try to move forward
they dont try to squeeze into the left
they dont even pretend to stand side-ways
so "maybe" there would be a chance i can get through
no, instead they stand there looking helpless
until i go "DONT WORRY"
and i gaze at the bottom of the platform 6 metres away..
my train leaving because of some stupid cunt who struggles to let me through

so next time please consider staying to your left
instead of holding up traffic on your right if you plan to stand
because there are people who intend to catch their trains
and thanks to people like you who hold us up
i miss my trains!

btw, the "keep left" road sign
just means to stay left on your side of the road
it doesnt mean that you can only turn left
because you can turn right too

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


below is just a confirmation letter forwarded to the guy who orgainised paintball
pretty much just read the bolded parts
or scan through

To: (confidential)
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 14:04:46 +1000

Booking Name: (insert organisers name)
Number of Players: 15
NOTE: All players are required to bring photo I.D
(Drivers License, Passport or a Key Pass will be acceptable)

Deposit Paid: $300
NOTE: Deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable.

Booking Date: Friday 3/7/09

Session Time: 12:30pm – 2:30pm ***ARRIVE 11:45am***
Package (all players must have one): $75 – 300 paintballs.
Extra Paintballs: $25/100, $60/300, $85/500, $150/1000
Arrival Time: 45 minutes prior to session start time.
NOTE: Late arrivals will cut into playing time, so please don’t be late.

Conditions of Booking:

· You are liable to pay for all players in FULL who are booked in with deposits regardless of how many players attend. We allocate places for your players and if they do not attend it is a condition of booking that they must be paid for in full. You will be eligible to receive the package of the players that are paid for that do not attend (ie share their paintballs and drinks & food-if applicable).

· If you have additional players on the day we may be able to accommodate them but we reserve the right to not accept them if prior arrangement has not been made. This usually isn’t an issue for a couple of extra players but please call to confirm.

· If your group arrives late this will cut into your playing time. Sessions will not be extended

· Deposits are strictly non-refundable

· Events cancelled within seven days of booking will be charged for the entire balance owing of the booking.

· If you wish to transfer your booking we will endeavour to assist but it will be treated as a cancellation if it’s within 7 days of your booking date

In the event that any participants from your group leave without paying for extra paintballs/refreshements/other charges incurred, these costs will be deducted from your credit card.
What to bring:
Take Note - We DO NOT supply overalls. Make sure you are dressed appropriately, or have a change of clothes for after your games.
Comfy shoes such as runners should be worn (no open toe shoes).
Wear old tracksuit pants or jeans for your bottom half, a pro paintball jerseys will be supplied for the upper half to distinguish teams.
Paintballs are water based and will wash out of clothing.
If you own any suitable equipment such as knee pads, groin guards or gloves etc, you are more than welcome to bring & use them or you can buy them on the day.
All players are supplied with mask, jerseys, and chest protection (ladies).

Melbourne Indoor Paintball, 25 Salmon St., Port Melbourne 3207

(03) 9646 9977 or 1300 PAINTBALL

the whole point of showing this email
is that only 9 people turned up on the day
and we were forced to pay for the remaining people who didnt come to paintball
and no you couldnt just forfeit the deposit,
what you had to do was forfeit the deposit plus pay for 15 players
so it was like might as well play paintball
and pay DOUBLE
because of the stupidity of a guy who failed to read the confirmation letter
what a fuck of a cunt
and thats who im blaming
because i cant blame the paintball place
because they clearly stated the terms and conditions in the email
with "full" in CAPITAL letters!
im prob not as angry as i was a few nights ago
i just want to warn everyone
to read the terms and conditions before booking
or confirming something
(if you are the orgainiser, because of course you should know better)
at least make sure who is and isnt coming !

so because of this incident
i paid in total 145 bucks for paintball
when it was suppose to be 75 bucks
(not including the deposit i had to pay back to the organiser)
and now i feel broke.
and i think its understandable for me to be annoyed
because im unemployed
so sorry for the whining

but overall i enjoyed paintball
and couldnt stop laughing when i was in the battlefield for some reason
though it was hard to breathe the more i laughed
i felt like i was going to die
i have a few bruises to show off in the end
which i feel proud of
because it shows i was "active" in the field,
which i rarely am
the morning after paintball
my thighs were aching so that was telling me how unfit i am
because we didnt really do a lot of running
and today (late late monday night or tues morning) my thighs still ache
it was worse on the weekend when i had to walk down stairs
or bend my knees to sit down
i swear i looked like a cripple

Thursday, July 2, 2009


i suddenly had time one day
and decided to finally make a flickr account
since ive been telling myself to make an account
for i dont know, over two years now?

so when i clicked on "create your account"
i found out that you need a yahoo account to join!
becaue some tme over the two years, yahoo bought flickr. ARGH!
angry as i was, i decided to search up other
photo sharing sites that i can join instead of flickr
(anything to avoid making a new email address with yahoo)
but after shopping for a site
i dont like any of them
there are good ones and there are bad ones
but none of them are considered a favourite
not like flickr, it has this more mature and clean feel to it
pretty much its the best interface compared to the other sites
when it comes down to it
and the way the folders are organised.

so after trying to find something i like,
i went back to flickr instead
and tried to make a yahoo account
and so i tried all these emails
but they were all taken.
i even had ridiculous sentences like
and it didnt work.
i tried this for at least 3 hours
until finally the yahoo site is "unavailable" on my comp
so annoying.
i dont know if i should attempt making an email again
but i really want that flickr account
it would be so handy to have my photos in one spot
where i can access anywhere that has the internet
so at least ill know that when johnny needs to reformat the comp
and accidentally deletes my photos..
ill always have a copy on the net.