Thursday, July 2, 2009


i suddenly had time one day
and decided to finally make a flickr account
since ive been telling myself to make an account
for i dont know, over two years now?

so when i clicked on "create your account"
i found out that you need a yahoo account to join!
becaue some tme over the two years, yahoo bought flickr. ARGH!
angry as i was, i decided to search up other
photo sharing sites that i can join instead of flickr
(anything to avoid making a new email address with yahoo)
but after shopping for a site
i dont like any of them
there are good ones and there are bad ones
but none of them are considered a favourite
not like flickr, it has this more mature and clean feel to it
pretty much its the best interface compared to the other sites
when it comes down to it
and the way the folders are organised.

so after trying to find something i like,
i went back to flickr instead
and tried to make a yahoo account
and so i tried all these emails
but they were all taken.
i even had ridiculous sentences like
and it didnt work.
i tried this for at least 3 hours
until finally the yahoo site is "unavailable" on my comp
so annoying.
i dont know if i should attempt making an email again
but i really want that flickr account
it would be so handy to have my photos in one spot
where i can access anywhere that has the internet
so at least ill know that when johnny needs to reformat the comp
and accidentally deletes my photos..
ill always have a copy on the net.

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