Tuesday, October 27, 2009

paper cut outs have feelings too

just did my first ever proper stop motion.
a lot of printing, cutting, folding and gluing was done yesterday night and today
its such a pain trying to glue little things together like legs and arms!

whilst filming outside i realised
i hadnt factored in wind!
so i had to head inside to do my stop motion instead
so colours arent that great!
damn wind and paper objects that fly away!

stop motion isnt that great so far
but well have to see after editing.

Monday, October 26, 2009


brother came home yesterday and managed to use up 11% of our net
must get through the next week with only 6%

missed out on a whole week of school because i was unable to wake up on time
must get through the next 3 weeks until holidays

went to coles to buy glue for assignment
came home with food, no glue
must go out and buy glue today

must get a start on homework.
its 2:20pm and i havent even brushed my teeth
or jumped out of bed
so lazy.
i dont know how i live

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

grape soda

my friends and i were talking about the movie "UP" yesterday
and how it was such a "feel good movie"
besides the overall purpose of carrying out his life dream on his own,
we talked about the little bits that got to us
(which was pretty much the whole movie)

just the simplest scenes had me teary eyed
and one of them was when russell was explaining to carl why he wanted his scout badge so badly
because then he would get to see his dad again
and so he went on to reminisce about the times spent with his dad
like eating ice cream on the curb and counting cars,
things he missed most.

and then you have carl and he knows exactly whats going on
silent, and looking at the poor child
not being the one to burst his little bubble

its them helpless moments where all you want to do is hug the kid
and tell him everything will be ok
or so you would hope but cant do anything about it
and any sudden change of emotion would confuse the kid
so instead you stand a step back and observe from afar

there are five stages of grief
• denial
• anger
• bargaining
• depression
• acceptance

as you watch the movie you can see the characters subtly go through these stages
which makes it such a sad movie
because dealing with loss is always hard

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

mission h2o

if youve watched tv recently,
new water saving commericials have emerged.
mission h2o was a project at swinburne done by either third years or honours students.
its won a lot of awards back in 2007
and its taken two years to be aired on tv
the school is very proud of it
i remember how all the lecturers and tutes were talking about it
and telling the students to check it out.

so help save water!
just because it rained heavily today
target 155. (aim to not use over 155 litres of water a day)

anyways my off peak is currently capped at the moment
so you wont be seeing early morning blogs
this means i have nothing useless to do but watch tv
im so thankful channel 99 (GO!)
have changed their tv schedule and started playing repeats of their programs
instead of having the music aria charts when all they do is repeat 15 songs in a row for 5 WHOLE hours, 6 days a week.
(songs get pretty annoying after the repeats. every twenty minutes, everyday)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

the cupcake bakery

i am slowly going through these cupcakes
its such a waste of time
because ide get off the train just to go into the city
just for cupcakes
i dont know whats wrong with me
they just taste like ordinary cupcakes but they look so pretty

anyways my friend asked me what music i listen to
and who i listened to
and i didnt have an answer
after a long sleep i came up with an answer
i tend to lean towards instrumental stuff with depressing, slutty or overly cheerful lyrics.
but then realised that covers a wide range of music
so im back at square one.

and i dont know what i listen to because i dont have any consistent favourite artists
i might like their old albums now but dislike their new stuff
or vice versa

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

go bananas

a while ago i had a conversation with a friend
about how my family and i drink litres of milk a week
(we roughly buy a 3 litre bottle of milk every 5 days or so)
and so she recommended a simple recipe
(because i never drink milk plain)
warm milk, mashed banana and honey.

at first i thought it was an awesome idea
but after my first attempt at the drink
i thought it tasted really weird
the banana was too mashed up and i didnt put enough honey
so it looked like a thick-ish liquid of milk with tiny bits of cauliflower
the texture wasnt right at all but i had to try it again

on my second attempt i didnt mash the bananas as much
and put stacks of honey in it
and it tasted alright
so tonight i tried the drink again and was hoping it might taste better third time round
unfortunately for some reason i kept thinking of vomit
and looking into the cup with the lumpy mashed up banana
and smelling heated up milk, banana and a hint of honey
didnt give me that snuggly winter feeling,
instead it just made everything in my stomach curdle a little
because the scent reminded me of off milk
so i think im really put off and will never try this again.

but if you want to try something
rice with soya sauce and honey!
a little odd but i like it
just think of honey soy chicken on rice
but home made and without the chicken.
(i usually have it with my vegies)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

car keys

this morning my dad officially gave me a copy of his car keys
im not too sure but this might mean that i can take the car now without asking him
provided that the car is at home and not in use at the time

along with the keys, he gave me a "simonds homes" keyring
this reminds me of when johnny and i were given a copy of our own home keys when we first moved into this house because we too were given a copy of this keyring

and now it has suddenly reappeared again.
im not going to use it though
but he wants me to attach it to my keys
so there will be a better chance i wont lose my keys
but i dont like bulky things
because it wont fit in my wallet then