my friends and i were talking about the movie "UP" yesterday
and how it was such a "feel good movie"
besides the overall purpose of carrying out his life dream on his own,
we talked about the little bits that got to us
(which was pretty much the whole movie)
just the simplest scenes had me teary eyed
and one of them was when russell was explaining to carl why he wanted his scout badge so badly
because then he would get to see his dad again
and so he went on to reminisce about the times spent with his dad
like eating ice cream on the curb and counting cars,
things he missed most.
and then you have carl and he knows exactly whats going on
silent, and looking at the poor child
not being the one to burst his little bubble
its them helpless moments where all you want to do is hug the kid
and tell him everything will be ok
or so you would hope but cant do anything about it
and any sudden change of emotion would confuse the kid
so instead you stand a step back and observe from afar
there are five stages of grief
• denial
• anger
• bargaining
• depression
• acceptance
as you watch the movie you can see the characters subtly go through these stages
which makes it such a sad movie
because dealing with loss is always hard
best movie. still can't think about it too much though or else i would cry. it's so good. i want to watch it again but i'm scared watching it again i'll notice a lot of little things i didn't notice the first time and that would make me even more sad!