Tuesday, October 13, 2009

mission h2o

if youve watched tv recently,
new water saving commericials have emerged.
mission h2o was a project at swinburne done by either third years or honours students.
its won a lot of awards back in 2007
and its taken two years to be aired on tv
the school is very proud of it
i remember how all the lecturers and tutes were talking about it
and telling the students to check it out.

so help save water!
just because it rained heavily today
target 155. (aim to not use over 155 litres of water a day)

anyways my off peak is currently capped at the moment
so you wont be seeing early morning blogs
this means i have nothing useless to do but watch tv
im so thankful channel 99 (GO!)
have changed their tv schedule and started playing repeats of their programs
instead of having the music aria charts when all they do is repeat 15 songs in a row for 5 WHOLE hours, 6 days a week.
(songs get pretty annoying after the repeats. every twenty minutes, everyday)

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