Tuesday, October 6, 2009

go bananas

a while ago i had a conversation with a friend
about how my family and i drink litres of milk a week
(we roughly buy a 3 litre bottle of milk every 5 days or so)
and so she recommended a simple recipe
(because i never drink milk plain)
warm milk, mashed banana and honey.

at first i thought it was an awesome idea
but after my first attempt at the drink
i thought it tasted really weird
the banana was too mashed up and i didnt put enough honey
so it looked like a thick-ish liquid of milk with tiny bits of cauliflower
the texture wasnt right at all but i had to try it again

on my second attempt i didnt mash the bananas as much
and put stacks of honey in it
and it tasted alright
so tonight i tried the drink again and was hoping it might taste better third time round
unfortunately for some reason i kept thinking of vomit
and looking into the cup with the lumpy mashed up banana
and smelling heated up milk, banana and a hint of honey
didnt give me that snuggly winter feeling,
instead it just made everything in my stomach curdle a little
because the scent reminded me of off milk
so i think im really put off and will never try this again.

but if you want to try something
rice with soya sauce and honey!
a little odd but i like it
just think of honey soy chicken on rice
but home made and without the chicken.
(i usually have it with my vegies)


  1. allo hello :)
    i gotta try your honey soy creation
    it sounds really nice,
    could add some sesame to it as well!
    lol i don't think the honey/banana/milk combination is for you,
    maybe it'd be better with cold milk/banana?
    cos warmed up milk tastes a bit odd
    especially with warm mushy bananana
    (i usually make mine with everything cold)
    but seems like you've tried it so many times
    that it's not worth another shot haha
    i'm thinking of another possible successful mix of ingredients..
    will let u know when i get one!

  2. lol yes ive tried it with sesame seeds already!
