Tuesday, May 26, 2009

liesel's house is johnny's home

johnny came home on sunday
and he spent the day cleaning the room he sleeps in
because the siblings and i failed to keep it clean to his liking
after this he told tommy he would help him on his assignment
so they went to kmart to buy paper
but when they got home i ended up helping tommy instead
whilst johnny did his assignment!

now look i understand if johnny had an assignment due the next day
but dont say you'll do things when you know you wont!
i hate those kind of people
its like making promises and then just end up breaking them in the end
and in the end i feel disappointed into believing they would keep their word
how foolish we are to have that much hope and let it be crushed

i dont even know why he comes home anymore
he's here one night and gone the next
all he did today was come home from work,
slept, woke up, went through his colour co-ordinated wardrobe
and headed to liesel's again
so practically the only time we spent with him was when he was cleaning the house

i either want him to finally move out
or actually stay home
i always have my dad yapping in my ear saying
"johnny doesnt love us anymore"
"he doesnt care about us"
"he doesnt call us to see how we are"
"im always the one calling him"
"he never returns my call"
"he said he'll be home on sunday and its wednesday now and he hasnt called"
and more blah blah blah

and i try to tell him to not bother with johnny anymore
his moved out
and if ive dealt with it then why cant he?
because even if johnny comes home
his only home because my dad told him to come home
and you can see that he doesnt want to be here anyway
so why make him?
he is better off at liesels house
there is simply no longer a purpose from him to be here


  1. reading this is making me frustrated at johny. he sounds so niave. and childish. i don't understand why he has to spend so much time with her.

  2. i kinda felt frustrated at johnny...
    but at the same time i know what ur going through.
    my parents esp my mum was the same when my older brother moved out.
    she also said that he didnt love us...etc.

    but the difference here is that johnny hasnt moved across the country and he can still physically be there but chooses not to.

    i think he should move out.
    so he can have his "freedom" or whatever kids want to call it these days. (i sound so knowledgeful lol)
    i think he needs time away to really appreciate u guys and realise that he's missing out on his brotherly duties. i reckon it took my older brother a good couple of years 2-3 before he found his roots again.

    you should tell him this.

  3. i think its okay if he wants to move out or spend more time with his gf... he's older now and its quite normal. but he shouldn't say he will do things if he isn't going to go through with it and should still find time to spend with u and your family!
