Friday, May 1, 2009


tonight marks the night of my last shift at work
i should be ecstatic and i was
though i was unable to express my emotions
because that is still something i have trouble with

my plan now is to be unemployed for a long while
until i figure out what i want to do next
now that i am free to do whatever i want
i am torn between playing useless games and homework
and i know what i should be doing but sometimes i get so tempted
and i dont even know why
i hate my brother for downloading gunbound again
im so ashamed of even saying this right now
i feel like the only person my age here playing it
its way worst that half life, wow or dota.. sigh

other than homework and games
im going to catch up on tv shows, movies and reading
and last but not least.. sleeping.. and a lot of it too
because no one is going to stop me from doing what i love most


  1. HALLELUJAH!! lol

    u n amy should form a club. only thing is, she doesnt play online games.

  2. is there going to be a cash flow problem? =]
