Tuesday, May 12, 2009


my brother loves his disinfectant wipes for some reason
you can always see a tub of them in his room
he uses it to clean everything
from the table, screens and the bathroom
and tonight whilst he was drinking milk and i was eating mandarines down stairs
he run up and brought down two pine-o-clean wipes to wipe the eggy feeling tiled kitchen floors
(because dad dropped two eggs on the floor the previous day)

anyways back to my point
this is how johnny wiped the floors
he placed the two towelettes on the floor
and with both of his feet
stepped on one each
and shuffled his feet forward, backwards and sideways
to wipe as much of the surface as he can
though it looked sufficient enough
it was just a lazy and johnny thing to do

1 comment:

  1. lol its the asian windex

    (remember my big fat greek wedding)
