Sunday, May 10, 2009

thanking you kindly

ive already sent everyone individual text messages
saying thanks for everything
i really appreciate it 

but ill just like to give you guys a lil heads up that
i dont do surprises
or birthday celebrations
im a simple kid who likes to do simple things
and when i mean simple.. so simple that it requires you to do nothing

for birthdays sending a quick text message is all i need
honestly i dont expect anything else
just the fact that you remembered
and if youve forgotten
you can always redeem yourself by sending a quick message before the day has ended
i dont care much for material things

but overall you guys know that i love you guys
a lot actually.. but i really dont want to express anymore emotion
so i hope you guys can already 'sense' that
and well just leave it at that
and ill chew what i can

so all i want to say is thank you again 
but please dont ever do this again
because next time ill make it all awkward and not turn up on purpose
despite all the efforts you went through
and knowing me you know ill do that

btw it was very cute of you guys
to be willing to go vegetarian for me =)
makes me appreciate you lot even more

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