Monday, August 24, 2009


ive been awake since 5pm yesterday
when i woke up from my 12 hour sleep

i decided not to go back to sleep at 7 in the morning today
just in case i dont wake up again
like i did on friday
when i planned to go to school like i always do

btw i was just thinking
if someone stays up the whole night
(like me), do they still brush their teeth in the morning
because its like theyve already brushed their teeth
before they went to bed, thinking theyll be sleeping through the night
and they never slept
hence there really is no need to brush their teeth

fyi, i brushed my teeth
its kind of a habit
i always brush my teeth before i sleep
and when i wake up
and if not, its morning and night
and i floss in between
especially when i have food stuck between my teeth
and my tongue seems to have trouble pushing the little bugger out!

anyways off to get ready for school

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