Thursday, August 27, 2009


look everyones heard of it so im not going to explain what it is
but my brother went and this is what happened

(sound of door opens)
johnny: hellllllloooooooooooooooo?
kim: yehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?
(yelling from upstairs in my room)
johnny:come down guys!!!!!!!!!
kim: ok! but jenny's asleep
(i ran down straight away because i sensed something exciting.
my brother only tells us to come downstairs when theres something big.)
so i get down and see liesel with a box

kim: what?
liesel: these are for you
johnny: not just for you the kids too
(as i see a whole unopened box of king sized bounty bars)
(tommy slowly advances downstairs)
tommy: YUM!
johnny goes back to the car and empties a third of his boot..
and brings out huge barbecue sauce
kim: YUKK!
(im not a big fan of sauce and especially seeing it in bulk too)
tommy : awesome

(whilst johnny was bringing in the food i conversed with liesel about costco and asked about the chocolates they had whilst munching on the bounty bars, not anything important happened here) until..

johnny: hey do you still use this?
(walks in with a 3 pack of white glo toothpaste)

as crazy as this sounds my jaw dropped
kim: YESSSSS! (in my high pitched squeaky voice)
johnny: (slightly giggles) well save me the orange one
each white glo toothpaste tube comes with a free toothbrush
(so johnny shot gunned the orange one),
i usually buy this when i need a new toothbrush,
and really in the mood to whiten my teeth..
which is like every 6 months
but seriously i dont think it works,
even though i secretly hope it does
(i know i should really change my toothbrush every 3 months but i dont.
i just forget because its not something thats on my shopping list,
or affordable because a colgate toothbrush is already like 5 bucks!
so my family and i buy coles branded toothbrushes in the value packs.
so you will always find me with a coles toothbrush or a white glo one anyday)

altogether johnny bought my dad a whole jar of olives
(big enough to fit a new born in there no jokes),
me- white glo toothpaste
tommy- listerine mouthwash
jenny- box of bounty
the kitchen- barbecue sauce (johnny eats EVERYTHING with barbecue sauce, rice, chips, kebabs, pizza, rice noodles.. anything you can think of he'll have eaten it with sauce already. and if the sauce isnt barbecue, itll be sweet chilli sauce. maybe thats why ive never really been into sauce, because johnny drowns his food with it so much that its scent is so overpowering i cant stand it.)
and himself- a slab of protein boxed drinks
(like the primary school juice boxes we all had)
and with that i go and say
"dont leave that at home, youre less active at home, youll go fat!"
(so i think he took it home with him and is going to leave it in his office)

so the products he bought isnt really specifically bought for us
but i kind of can tell which products are targeted to us,
hence my decision making and listing what he bought for us
if one kid had the chance to own one item.
and just seeing my brother take notice that i use white glo was the cutest thing ever

i swear i think if i were at costco i could cry and have a panic attack
because in my head its the biggest place ever
(but hopefully its not draining like chadstone where after 5 shops ide just be so sick of seeing so many shops in the distance that ill want to drop dead. that or head straight to the food court or home)
i could live in that place (maybe)
but it would be the best to spend my long uni breaks just walking around there
i could buy a lot of time


  1. or alot of things.

    (to buy - read as a continuation of the last sentence lol)

    johnny is cute. did he subscribe or wait in that ridiculous line?


    and omg.. jus came back from coles and bought 2 packs of white-glo packs for $30 =| (want to try if it works) DAMITTTTTTTT shoulve readur blog earlier! LMAO!
