Wednesday, August 26, 2009


so i did the myer briggs personality test on facebook and this is what i got

Introversion, iNtuition, Thinking, Perception
You seek to develop logical explanations for everything that interests you. You are theoretical and abstract, and are interested more in ideas than in social interaction. You are quiet, contained, flexible, and adaptable. You have an unusual ability to focus in depth to solve problems in your area of interest. You are skeptical, sometimes critical, and always analytical.
(copied and pasted straight from facebook)

for those who know me this is the most true-est thing ive ever read
i did this test thoroughly in my first year of uni and this was exactly what i had back then as well
(just shows that i havent changed a bit since first year uni)
and i remember i was an extreme introvert like my score was 96 or something
whereas for intuition and perception i was along the 60's
and thinking was in the 50's, a bit close to the feeling side.
(i hope you understood that)

but yeh the subject was based on studying personality types of managers and i remember our tute was saying something and then said "if this is not you then this isnt the right course for you"
i was studying air transportation management
and by the end of the course i was aiming to work for an airport
and hopefully manage one
and she said something that stuck to me for a few weeks
until i finally decided to drop out of the course
because obviously it wasnt the course for me
and it took a semester and roughly four grand for me to figure that out

a couple of years later,
im now studying multimedia and i absolutely love it
but because i love it, it doesnt mean im good at what i do
so sometimes i have my doubts about whats going to happen after i finish this course
so i tell myself that i want to stay in school for as long as i can
because this is all i know
my whole life has based on school,
its all study study study,
get into mac rob, psychology is not a real subject (lol), become a doctor, become a lawyer, get a high enter, try harder.
and this was what was drilled into my head
for all those years

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