Tuesday, September 1, 2009


whilst johnny and i were running around myer on the weekend
we saw his friend whose just come back from america
she'd worked in disney world for 5 months or so
and then went backpacking all around america

i also have a friend who just left last week to study at san diego
and another whose going to china i think it was
to work after she graduates
and hearing about people working, studying and travelling
around the world makes me immensely jealous of them all
because whilst they are doing it
im hear saying "i want to do it"
and so far nothing is happening
its just become "talk" something that i would ideally want
but maybe has a really low chance of it actually happening

though the idea of going overseas
and doing things on my own really appeals to me,
its the actual step of leaving my life that
i have already established here and everyone i associate with
my family, my friends, my own room that i love so much
and im scared of leaving all this behind
because if i come back, what happens then?
people change over time
and i fear that when i come back from this huge adventure
everything is going to change

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