Sunday, March 8, 2009

lets play happy family

it is tradition that my family and i go out for dinner on our birthdays
johnnys birthday is tomorrow
so tonight its off to supper inn !

on the downside though after telling my family were going out for dinner tonight
my dad is too drunk to go and has KO'ed on the hammock
and i think my brother invited liesel along for the ride
so now i have to sit through a dinner and try and be all smiley and fake
but i guess ide rather that than have an arguement with johnny
and then he tell me that i dont "utilise" my room
but like he can talk !
since he's the one who hasnt been home for the past week
leaving his computer with the 22" monitor and his 42'' tv untouched !

oh what joy.


  1. does johnny and liesel know u have this blog?


  2. no not yet, but by the time he or she knows..
    there would be too many blogs to read through
    plus my brother does not have any interest in me.

    oh that was so hard to admit.
