Tuesday, March 10, 2009

johnny's birthday dinner

so the birthday dinner was only a little awkward
but it wasnt because of me!
(see i dont always make things akward)

anyways what happened was
jenny was mumbling in her cup
and then everyone was looking at her
all cute and stuff cos she loves the attention
and then she laughs and goes "do you know what i said?"
and then of course we didnt
and she tells us
"i said (all giggly and stuff) johnny's girlfriend is fat"
and cracks up laughing

now i kinda wanted to laugh cos jenny is always so honest
but so rude at the same time
and i had that "omg i cant believe you said that look"
(i know i need to punch her out but she's already missing two teeth)
so i was kind of smiley but gave her a "thats rude" stare
and johnny goes "Liesel isnt fat"
and the poor girl doesnt say anything looking all awkward
and then it occurred to me..
"oh no what happens if she thought that i said that she was fat!!"
(which i didnt! jenny is just brutally honest just like her mum)
and then i told jenny off
and said "jenny thats not very nice to say
(and not denying that she is a bit big as well)
say sorry to Liesel"
so jenny was like "SORRY" sarcastically like
"no im really not sorry but i have to say it" kind of way
and then i go "JENNY say it properly"
so second time round she sounded more sincere with a
"sorry liesel"
and liesel didnt say anything or maybe she didnt hear
cos she had stopped looking at jenny by that time

1 comment:

  1. hahahahaha!!!

    jennys a CRACK UP!!
    what a classic.
    where was johnny's defence?

    kids say the darnest things =P

