Friday, April 3, 2009


i was on an excursion today
because i missed the one on tuesday
(i was 5 mins late! and they left and i had no idea which way they were walking)
and had to attend the thursday morning session
the group consisted around 10 people including the tute and i
and the purpose of the excursion was to observe art deco buildings

now shannon asked me why i dont make friends
and get someones number
so then if i were late then i could call "my friend" and ask where we were
and that i wouldnt have missed that tuesday session

but everyone knows i have trouble making friends !
i have trouble keeping conversation with people
and isnt it a bit odd asking for someones number first hand
because when people do i feel weird
unless they have a legit reason
and then i realised i dont remember ever asking for anyones number

anyways so this morning on the excursion
this girl made friends with this guy !
and she was like all "oh its good to finally put a name to a face"
(because this is an online class we dont really see each other in real life)
and the guys like "yeh.. we have typo together or something yeh"
("typo" is a subject on typography which i should be doing next sem)
and so they drift off to conversation whilst walking
but not even mid way they run out of things to talk about
but they remained to walk close to each other you know
like they are friends.. but have nothing to talk about
but its polite i guess
(i really hate situations like this so i was smart and did not talk to anyone during the whole excursion and if someone looked my way ide look somewhere else.. my way of dodgy soon to be awkward convos haha)
but yeh half way through the guys friend came and they started hanging out
leaving the girl who befriended the guy out
and i felt sorry for her
because as they walked together she kinda tried to join in their convo
and in my head i was thinking oh please.. no chance girl
youve been taken over !

so that is why i dont make friends shannon !
and plus if i had a friend wouldnt we be hanging out together
and hence.. both of us would miss that tuesday excursion session?

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