Wednesday, April 1, 2009


i dont know if this has ever happened to anyone
but today at work i served a person ive seen on facebook!
it was extrememly awkward and i didnt know what to do
so i tried to give the least eye contact as i can
just in case the other person might notice that im giving them weird looks
because my face is always strange o_0

but yeh it was a friend of a friends..
you know how you get bored
and just look at everyones profile just because its not set on private?
lol no?... because i do that..
time spent not sleeping is spent doing something pretty sad..
like facebook.. and youtubing.. and stalking..
oh dear me..


  1. lol kim....i do it too (we're both sad)
    but i havent seen someone ie friend of a friend before...

    thats so odd.
    see, real people have facebook lol
