Friday, April 24, 2009

did you know?

today my sister told me to remember john simpson tomorrow because of ANZAC DAY
and i didnt really care about what she was saying
but i kept talking to her anyway
and pretended to sound interested

and then she taught me what ANZAC stood for
Australia New Zealand Army Corpse
and i was so interested because i never thought it even stood for anything
anzac day to me is just a public holiday
where we ought to get double pay for working
but unfortunately at my workplace we dont receive benefits!
so its depressing to know that tommorow ill be receiving standard pay =(
i swear they never taught us that in primary school!

1 comment:

  1. lol amy asked me what the difference btwn anzac and rememberence day was.

    anzac - gallipoli - australia.
    remembrence day - end of war.

    i think they did teach u...but u just forgot.
