Wednesday, April 15, 2009


the boss rang me today because he was upset i didnt work todays shift
and because im not going to be working for the rest of this week
and i replaced last weeks shifts because i wanted to take time off to do some work

he then went onto how i "let" him down
during the christmas period
when i went overseas giving him a short notice
(but it was all of a sudden so i COULDNT give him an advance notice
though i did tell him i might be going overseas a fortnight before i left)
and here he goes.. you know i get a huge amount of resumes
and its really hard to find a job nowadays because of the recession
and im happy to employ someone who can commit to there shifts
youre a good worker when youre here
but youre always taking time off
and you dont even have the decency to tell me
(not like his around when im working)
so are you serious about this job?

here i am just woken up by his phone call
not knowing what to say
kim: i dunno works just work to me
kyle (boss): (his really trying to scare me now but its not working)
kyle: i understand you have to study but theres plenty of time for that
during the holidays i want you to work at least an extra shift or two
now when you were in school i gave you 3 shifts like you asked for
kim: 2!!!
kyle: what?
kim: 2, i asked for 2 shifts a week
kyle: ok 2 then. but during the holidays i want my other employees to take up a few shifts to give the fulltimers a break
kyle: and because you couldnt work today, which you didnt even put in the diary, michelle had to come in and work and this is the time when i want my fulltimers to take a break, not pull 6 shifts a week because YOU couldnt work
kim: (silence..) ok..
kyle: well what do you have to say for yourself? how much do you need this job?
kim: (sif ask me that) i dunno. not really? i do get youth allowance
kyle: you get youth allowance do you. well i really want you to consider your position here so i can decide if i should be looking for people.
kim: ok then.. (rightttttttttttttt)
kyle: its not just you im calling there are others too
kim: ok.. (think of something he wants to hear) err sorry?
kyle: ok i just want you to think about it
kim: k bye
kyle: bye

because i dont. if i didnt have work maybe ill have a better social life !
and bringing up stuff from the past ?? LIKE SERIOUSLY!
that was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo four months ago! LET IT GO
(replaying in my head.. kyle: kim you let me down during christmas LOL LOL LOL)
and i was just thinking of calling him back and going
"kyle dont worry about rostering me on anymore because i DONT need this job"
but i guess i wouldnt be able to live without that extra money to save up for overseas
but then again maybe i can find another job?
but THAT would require me to go look for a job!
but i know i can purely live on youth allowance
and so now here i am contemplating what i should do.

btw i do feel bad thinking that some fulltimer is pulling 6 shifts a week..
but if they were going to be going away they should have planned it before
and wrote it in the diary.
or better yet JUST let kyle work it
since i havent seen him do a close shift before since last year!
PLUS ! there are 6 other casuals who arent going away on the weekend im also going away!
and its only ONE shift that im not replacing!
usually if im not working i replace the shifts myself!
so its not like its an EXTRA effort for him to replace a shift

(runs around the house frustrated)

1 comment:

  1. i remember this conversation. i can hear your voice right now...and see your hands moving up and down lol
