Sunday, April 5, 2009


ive noticed that many celebrities now have a twitter account
and have become twits (oh how weird is it to call yourself a twit)
(so far i know of.. demi moore, ashton kutcher (ashton moore? lol), lilly allen, perez hilton, ellen degeneres, john mayer and even frezned.. and the veronicas ? o_0)
is it some new phase i dont know about ?
whats going to happen to facebook now ?
i wonder if its going to take over facebook..
like how facebook kinda took over myspace.. haha
but anyways i think if everyone starts making a twitter account..
i think i am too..
because i tend to be a conformist
and i like talking about myself (hence the blogging.. or am i blogging due to the fact that i have a fear of being ignored or forgotten and that i have to blog to prove to myself that i matter .. hrmm)

yours sincerely
possible future twit
ME =)
(yeh using the word twit doesnt sound right)


  1. facebook is def easier on the ears man.
    and i wont forget u =]

    if u get twitter... then whats the use of blogspot? everyone else will have twitter and there'd be a bigger chance of u being forgotten amongst the celebs right?

  2. im on twitter! add me :)
    lolll facebook is still a lot better though.
    all you do on twitter mainly is update ur status.
    its not as personal and its harder to communicate with other people. its nice and simple and good when for when ur bored. it gets really addictive though! you should try it. i think you would like it!
