look everyones heard of it so im not going to explain what it is
but my brother went and this is what happened
(sound of door opens)
johnny: hellllllloooooooooooooooo?
kim: yehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?
(yelling from upstairs in my room)
johnny:come down guys!!!!!!!!!
kim: ok! but jenny's asleep
(i ran down straight away because i sensed something exciting.
my brother only tells us to come downstairs when theres something big.)
so i get down and see liesel with a box
kim: what?
liesel: these are for you
johnny: not just for you the kids too
(as i see a whole unopened box of king sized bounty bars)
(tommy slowly advances downstairs)
tommy: YUM!
johnny goes back to the car and empties a third of his boot..
and brings out huge barbecue sauce
kim: YUKK!
(im not a big fan of sauce and especially seeing it in bulk too)
tommy : awesome
(whilst johnny was bringing in the food i conversed with liesel about costco and asked about the chocolates they had whilst munching on the bounty bars, not anything important happened here) until..
johnny: hey do you still use this?
(walks in with a 3 pack of white glo toothpaste)
as crazy as this sounds my jaw dropped
kim: YESSSSS! (in my high pitched squeaky voice)
johnny: (slightly giggles) well save me the orange one
each white glo toothpaste tube comes with a free toothbrush
(so johnny shot gunned the orange one),
i usually buy this when i need a new toothbrush,
and really in the mood to whiten my teeth..
which is like every 6 months
but seriously i dont think it works,
even though i secretly hope it does
(i know i should really change my toothbrush every 3 months but i dont.
i just forget because its not something thats on my shopping list,
or affordable because a colgate toothbrush is already like 5 bucks!
so my family and i buy coles branded toothbrushes in the value packs.
so you will always find me with a coles toothbrush or a white glo one anyday)
altogether johnny bought my dad a whole jar of olives
(big enough to fit a new born in there no jokes),
me- white glo toothpaste
tommy- listerine mouthwash
jenny- box of bounty
the kitchen- barbecue sauce (johnny eats EVERYTHING with barbecue sauce, rice, chips, kebabs, pizza, rice noodles.. anything you can think of he'll have eaten it with sauce already. and if the sauce isnt barbecue, itll be sweet chilli sauce. maybe thats why ive never really been into sauce, because johnny drowns his food with it so much that its scent is so overpowering i cant stand it.)
and himself- a slab of protein boxed drinks
(like the primary school juice boxes we all had)
and with that i go and say
"dont leave that at home, youre less active at home, youll go fat!"
(so i think he took it home with him and is going to leave it in his office)
so the products he bought isnt really specifically bought for us
but i kind of can tell which products are targeted to us,
hence my decision making and listing what he bought for us
if one kid had the chance to own one item.
and just seeing my brother take notice that i use white glo was the cutest thing ever
i swear i think if i were at costco i could cry and have a panic attack
because in my head its the biggest place ever
(but hopefully its not draining like chadstone where after 5 shops ide just be so sick of seeing so many shops in the distance that ill want to drop dead. that or head straight to the food court or home)
i could live in that place (maybe)
but it would be the best to spend my long uni breaks just walking around there
i could buy a lot of time
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
so i did the myer briggs personality test on facebook and this is what i got
Introversion, iNtuition, Thinking, Perception
You seek to develop logical explanations for everything that interests you. You are theoretical and abstract, and are interested more in ideas than in social interaction. You are quiet, contained, flexible, and adaptable. You have an unusual ability to focus in depth to solve problems in your area of interest. You are skeptical, sometimes critical, and always analytical.
(copied and pasted straight from facebook)
for those who know me this is the most true-est thing ive ever read
i did this test thoroughly in my first year of uni and this was exactly what i had back then as well
(just shows that i havent changed a bit since first year uni)
and i remember i was an extreme introvert like my score was 96 or something
whereas for intuition and perception i was along the 60's
and thinking was in the 50's, a bit close to the feeling side.
(i hope you understood that)
but yeh the subject was based on studying personality types of managers and i remember our tute was saying something and then said "if this is not you then this isnt the right course for you"
i was studying air transportation management
and by the end of the course i was aiming to work for an airport
and hopefully manage one
and she said something that stuck to me for a few weeks
until i finally decided to drop out of the course
because obviously it wasnt the course for me
and it took a semester and roughly four grand for me to figure that out
a couple of years later,
im now studying multimedia and i absolutely love it
but because i love it, it doesnt mean im good at what i do
so sometimes i have my doubts about whats going to happen after i finish this course
so i tell myself that i want to stay in school for as long as i can
because this is all i know
my whole life has based on school,
its all study study study,
get into mac rob, psychology is not a real subject (lol), become a doctor, become a lawyer, get a high enter, try harder.
and this was what was drilled into my head
for all those years
Introversion, iNtuition, Thinking, Perception
You seek to develop logical explanations for everything that interests you. You are theoretical and abstract, and are interested more in ideas than in social interaction. You are quiet, contained, flexible, and adaptable. You have an unusual ability to focus in depth to solve problems in your area of interest. You are skeptical, sometimes critical, and always analytical.
(copied and pasted straight from facebook)
for those who know me this is the most true-est thing ive ever read
i did this test thoroughly in my first year of uni and this was exactly what i had back then as well
(just shows that i havent changed a bit since first year uni)
and i remember i was an extreme introvert like my score was 96 or something
whereas for intuition and perception i was along the 60's
and thinking was in the 50's, a bit close to the feeling side.
(i hope you understood that)
but yeh the subject was based on studying personality types of managers and i remember our tute was saying something and then said "if this is not you then this isnt the right course for you"
i was studying air transportation management
and by the end of the course i was aiming to work for an airport
and hopefully manage one
and she said something that stuck to me for a few weeks
until i finally decided to drop out of the course
because obviously it wasnt the course for me
and it took a semester and roughly four grand for me to figure that out
a couple of years later,
im now studying multimedia and i absolutely love it
but because i love it, it doesnt mean im good at what i do
so sometimes i have my doubts about whats going to happen after i finish this course
so i tell myself that i want to stay in school for as long as i can
because this is all i know
my whole life has based on school,
its all study study study,
get into mac rob, psychology is not a real subject (lol), become a doctor, become a lawyer, get a high enter, try harder.
and this was what was drilled into my head
for all those years
Monday, August 24, 2009
ive been awake since 5pm yesterday
when i woke up from my 12 hour sleep
i decided not to go back to sleep at 7 in the morning today
just in case i dont wake up again
like i did on friday
when i planned to go to school like i always do
btw i was just thinking
if someone stays up the whole night
(like me), do they still brush their teeth in the morning
because its like theyve already brushed their teeth
before they went to bed, thinking theyll be sleeping through the night
and they never slept
hence there really is no need to brush their teeth
fyi, i brushed my teeth
its kind of a habit
i always brush my teeth before i sleep
and when i wake up
and if not, its morning and night
and i floss in between
especially when i have food stuck between my teeth
and my tongue seems to have trouble pushing the little bugger out!
anyways off to get ready for school
when i woke up from my 12 hour sleep
i decided not to go back to sleep at 7 in the morning today
just in case i dont wake up again
like i did on friday
when i planned to go to school like i always do
btw i was just thinking
if someone stays up the whole night
(like me), do they still brush their teeth in the morning
because its like theyve already brushed their teeth
before they went to bed, thinking theyll be sleeping through the night
and they never slept
hence there really is no need to brush their teeth
fyi, i brushed my teeth
its kind of a habit
i always brush my teeth before i sleep
and when i wake up
and if not, its morning and night
and i floss in between
especially when i have food stuck between my teeth
and my tongue seems to have trouble pushing the little bugger out!
anyways off to get ready for school
Friday, August 21, 2009
im sooo extremely angry at myself atm
i literally just woke up about an hour ago
and realised i slept through my alarm.
ive woken up so late that i cant even attend the later class
and im so angry because i cant blame anyone but myself
been telling myself to fix my sleeping pattern for the past five years
but its not going anywhere
and its not insomnia im suffering from
because i do get enough sleep in a day
im just a night owl
and my body prefers to sleep during the day
hence making it difficult to get up in the early morning or afternoon
i literally just woke up about an hour ago
and realised i slept through my alarm.
ive woken up so late that i cant even attend the later class
and im so angry because i cant blame anyone but myself
been telling myself to fix my sleeping pattern for the past five years
but its not going anywhere
and its not insomnia im suffering from
because i do get enough sleep in a day
im just a night owl
and my body prefers to sleep during the day
hence making it difficult to get up in the early morning or afternoon
Thursday, August 20, 2009
finally made a yahoo account today
which also means i finally made that flickr account ive always wanted
but i made it in class because its a requirement in one of my subjects
(just to upload our photography homework)
so it probably wont be available for anyone to see until the end of semester
when i would also be able to upload my other photos.
i cant wait
so far this is my favourite subject this semester because its just photography
and i love photography!
fun fun fun!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
mark ryden

if youve watched coraline,
there was a painting in her living room above the mantel
(the one with the boy and the ice cream, hard to miss since the painting was significant in the movie to show that she was in a different realm)
the style of the painting reminded me a lot of this artist named mark ryden
so i headed to his site to see if it was painted by him
but i couldnt find it on his site
anyways check out his work
and youde see why i like this guy
the whole abstract, eerie, dark, fantasy world kind of style really appeals to me
mark rydens site (i tried to link it but it wouldnt work sorry)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
i hate kids
i hate kids
i hate kids like jenny
who try and act cute and seek attention
and over do everything
like eating messily in public
and rub her face with her oily hands before she puts her hair behind her ears
and then when you tell her to stop trying to be cute
she says in her practised whiny high pitched voice "im not trying to be cute"
and i hate it when they dont listen to you
like how you ban them eating in your room
and when you come home you find bowls on the floor
the smell of kebabs in your room
and worse is when jenny spills her drink on my floor
and she tries to cover it with my little stool
which i usually place in front of my sewing machine
and then still have the cup lying on the floor
and i smell the scent of lemonade
and when i ask her what the drink was
she blatantly lies to me and tells me its water ??
i hate liars hate hate hate!
and i hate it most when i know theyre lying to my face
or secretly hiding something from me
because i will find out!
i hate kids like jenny
who try and act cute and seek attention
and over do everything
like eating messily in public
and rub her face with her oily hands before she puts her hair behind her ears
and then when you tell her to stop trying to be cute
she says in her practised whiny high pitched voice "im not trying to be cute"
and i hate it when they dont listen to you
like how you ban them eating in your room
and when you come home you find bowls on the floor
the smell of kebabs in your room
and worse is when jenny spills her drink on my floor
and she tries to cover it with my little stool
which i usually place in front of my sewing machine
and then still have the cup lying on the floor
and i smell the scent of lemonade
and when i ask her what the drink was
she blatantly lies to me and tells me its water ??
i hate liars hate hate hate!
and i hate it most when i know theyre lying to my face
or secretly hiding something from me
because i will find out!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
blame game
(monday whilst johnny took me out driving to safeway)
kim: so are you going to be home tomorrow?
johnny: nopes
kim: wednesday?
johnny: nope
kim: thursday?
johnny: you want to drive me to the physio?
kim: yeh
(wednesay- tommy's birthday, dad comes home from work)
dad: tommy pack your books downstairs
tommy: ok
kim: let him do it tomorrow, its his birthday
dad: (who now remembers its his birthday after i reminded him)
ah ok ok
happy birthday tommy (in a fobby accent)
how old are you now?
tommy: 13
dad: woah, (looks to me)
he grows up so quick
kim: (shrugs)
dad: (looks towards me and jenny)
say happy birthday
kim: already did
jenny: happy birthday tommy
(15 minutes later, dad comes back upstairs)
dad: hey lets go to supper inn!
(if youve read earlier blogs,
the only time we have dinner as a family is during a birthday)
get up and get changed and well tell johnny to meet us in the city
(time- 5:40)
tommy and jenny: yeh lets go
kim: dont bother, johnny's busy
he already told me his not going home
well go on friday
dad: call him anyway, he can eat with us and then go back to liesel's house
kim: why bother
dad: fine (walks away and has his shower)
(time- 6:30, sound of keys opening the door)
dad: (at the coffee table having dinner)
wohaha (that happy kind of sound)
youre home today
we were going to go to supper in for tommy's birthday
johnny: why didnt you call me?
dad: kim said you werent coming home today
(johnny walks upstairs to his room)
johnny: why didnt you call me?
kim: you told me you werent going to be home
johnny: no i didnt
kim: YES YOU DID (really pissy mood)
you told me when we were driving
johnny: well you should have called me anyway
kim: well if you told me you werent going to be home on wednesday then why bother
we can go on friday
johnny: you have your rags or something?
kim: no, you just always piss the shit out of me
(end of dialogue)
so in the end my family pretty much blames me for not going out for dinner
because i no longer have faith in my older brother to put the family first.
(no offence but we have always been a second priority to him,
and if he doesnt admit it, then its a lie)
and i dont think i should have been given the blame
because if my dad had remembered tommy's birthday,
(which tommy reminded him on monday night)
we could have arranged to do something early on because johnny was also home on monday night
and i also texted johnny in the afternoon today
(not related to tommys birthday though)
but he could have easily asked me if we were going to do anything tonight
of if i wanted to do anything tonight for tommy
so everyone is to blame, dont just take it out on me!
kim: so are you going to be home tomorrow?
johnny: nopes
kim: wednesday?
johnny: nope
kim: thursday?
johnny: you want to drive me to the physio?
kim: yeh
(wednesay- tommy's birthday, dad comes home from work)
dad: tommy pack your books downstairs
tommy: ok
kim: let him do it tomorrow, its his birthday
dad: (who now remembers its his birthday after i reminded him)
ah ok ok
happy birthday tommy (in a fobby accent)
how old are you now?
tommy: 13
dad: woah, (looks to me)
he grows up so quick
kim: (shrugs)
dad: (looks towards me and jenny)
say happy birthday
kim: already did
jenny: happy birthday tommy
(15 minutes later, dad comes back upstairs)
dad: hey lets go to supper inn!
(if youve read earlier blogs,
the only time we have dinner as a family is during a birthday)
get up and get changed and well tell johnny to meet us in the city
(time- 5:40)
tommy and jenny: yeh lets go
kim: dont bother, johnny's busy
he already told me his not going home
well go on friday
dad: call him anyway, he can eat with us and then go back to liesel's house
kim: why bother
dad: fine (walks away and has his shower)
(time- 6:30, sound of keys opening the door)
dad: (at the coffee table having dinner)
wohaha (that happy kind of sound)
youre home today
we were going to go to supper in for tommy's birthday
johnny: why didnt you call me?
dad: kim said you werent coming home today
(johnny walks upstairs to his room)
johnny: why didnt you call me?
kim: you told me you werent going to be home
johnny: no i didnt
kim: YES YOU DID (really pissy mood)
you told me when we were driving
johnny: well you should have called me anyway
kim: well if you told me you werent going to be home on wednesday then why bother
we can go on friday
johnny: you have your rags or something?
kim: no, you just always piss the shit out of me
(end of dialogue)
so in the end my family pretty much blames me for not going out for dinner
because i no longer have faith in my older brother to put the family first.
(no offence but we have always been a second priority to him,
and if he doesnt admit it, then its a lie)
and i dont think i should have been given the blame
because if my dad had remembered tommy's birthday,
(which tommy reminded him on monday night)
we could have arranged to do something early on because johnny was also home on monday night
and i also texted johnny in the afternoon today
(not related to tommys birthday though)
but he could have easily asked me if we were going to do anything tonight
of if i wanted to do anything tonight for tommy
so everyone is to blame, dont just take it out on me!
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