ive decided to change blogs.
im moving to wordpress.
i plan to blog there from now on
and have this place completely closed off and on private.
hopefully i would blog more often,
maybe on my work, inspiration and life.
i need to do something career orientated at the moment
because im scared that after i finish my course,
i wont be able to find a job.
im going to start blogging things i dont mind people seeing. =/
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
in the spring
in exactly eight more weeks the semester ends.
i absolutely cannot wait to have free time and do nothing in the summertime.
but as for now im waiting for the real spring to arrive
weather this week is gong to be a downer
and that makes me sad.
especially after being sick for the past two weeks
and having life threatening coughing fits in my sleep.
i seriously felt like my lungs were going to fall out
i absolutely cannot wait to have free time and do nothing in the summertime.
but as for now im waiting for the real spring to arrive
weather this week is gong to be a downer
and that makes me sad.
especially after being sick for the past two weeks
and having life threatening coughing fits in my sleep.
i seriously felt like my lungs were going to fall out
Thursday, September 9, 2010
green peas
i havent been eating green peas lately
but i have been on my green Ps for the last couple of days
and forgot to tell my friends
i havent even put up my green Ps in the car
should really do it soon.
coincidentally.. my name came up for free boost
same time round last year.
i think some higher being is trying to tell me im not that bad of a driver
even though some of my friends still fear the thought of me driving.
but i have been on my green Ps for the last couple of days
and forgot to tell my friends
i havent even put up my green Ps in the car
should really do it soon.
coincidentally.. my name came up for free boost
same time round last year.
i think some higher being is trying to tell me im not that bad of a driver
even though some of my friends still fear the thought of me driving.
Monday, September 6, 2010
screen worlds
heres a short timeslice i made at acmi.
as i was watching this i was a little sad because i realised my feet werent off the ground
even though it looks like im jumping. (sad face)
i might have to learn to jump a little higher next time.
as i was watching this i was a little sad because i realised my feet werent off the ground
even though it looks like im jumping. (sad face)
i might have to learn to jump a little higher next time.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
in your sleep
a few reasons why i cant sleep at night
• its too cold
• its too hot
• thinking about if i should get up and pee
• figuring out if im tired or if im really hungry
• thinking if ive forgotten anything for the next day
• thinking about thoughts that lead to other thoughts
• scared of something and cant take it off my mind
• im not tired
• caffeine
• feeling bad for not brushing my teeth and then ending up brushing my teeth
• re-enacting scenarios in my head
• because im thirsty but too lazy to get a drink
• feeling bad for not finishing my homework
• scared that ill be too tired to get up the next morning
• thinking about the weather tomorrow and what to wear
• its too cold
• its too hot
• thinking about if i should get up and pee
• figuring out if im tired or if im really hungry
• thinking if ive forgotten anything for the next day
• thinking about thoughts that lead to other thoughts
• scared of something and cant take it off my mind
• im not tired
• caffeine
• feeling bad for not brushing my teeth and then ending up brushing my teeth
• re-enacting scenarios in my head
• because im thirsty but too lazy to get a drink
• feeling bad for not finishing my homework
• scared that ill be too tired to get up the next morning
• thinking about the weather tomorrow and what to wear
Monday, August 16, 2010
credit cards and other things
i applied for a credit card awhile ago without ever needing it
because the stupid lady called me and asked if i wanted one
and at the moment i was like "yeah why not"
and if i didnt want it i can always cancel it
or never go into my local branch to pick up my card
but when the time came when i was strapped up for cash
i went and picked up my credit card from my local westpac branch
since then i have been using my credit card like (almost) wild fire
i think im in the middle of using more than i make in a week
so there goes my savings
and at the same time i have been visiting these coupon sites my friends have intro-ed me to
and i have been making small purchases that are slowly adding up
(sad face)
so if you ever get bored and want to explore visit these sites
at the moment the only reason i seem to be blogging
is because im trying to stay away from these sites
theres this certain coupon i want to purchase that my friends have already told me not to buy
because we dont need it
i need to stay away from it until the offer expires.
im pretty sure i can stay away til then
but until that happens,
i should really hide my credit card somewhere
so i dont end up using it
because the stupid lady called me and asked if i wanted one
and at the moment i was like "yeah why not"
and if i didnt want it i can always cancel it
or never go into my local branch to pick up my card
but when the time came when i was strapped up for cash
i went and picked up my credit card from my local westpac branch
since then i have been using my credit card like (almost) wild fire
i think im in the middle of using more than i make in a week
so there goes my savings
and at the same time i have been visiting these coupon sites my friends have intro-ed me to
and i have been making small purchases that are slowly adding up
(sad face)
so if you ever get bored and want to explore visit these sites
at the moment the only reason i seem to be blogging
is because im trying to stay away from these sites
theres this certain coupon i want to purchase that my friends have already told me not to buy
because we dont need it
i need to stay away from it until the offer expires.
im pretty sure i can stay away til then
but until that happens,
i should really hide my credit card somewhere
so i dont end up using it
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
fourth year
i was talking to my friend today
and pretty much where life is going.
we suddenly realised that we both havent gone very far in life
compared to others,
were still at uni and still dont know when well finish
when asked how long left i have at uni
i say "about a year and a half"
but in my head its more like,
"ONLY IF i dont fail,
or choose to do work placement,
or do honours, or dont drop out of this course"
and then after all that,
im not even guaranteed a job
or know that this is what i really want to do my whole life.
i just want to finish uni already
or sleep in for the next two years and get a degree
and make money.
im going to sigh myself to sleep now
i want to be like the others.
completing uni and graduating.
if only i knew what i wanted earlier
and stopped fucking around with life
it would have been nicer to me
and pretty much where life is going.
we suddenly realised that we both havent gone very far in life
compared to others,
were still at uni and still dont know when well finish
when asked how long left i have at uni
i say "about a year and a half"
but in my head its more like,
"ONLY IF i dont fail,
or choose to do work placement,
or do honours, or dont drop out of this course"
and then after all that,
im not even guaranteed a job
or know that this is what i really want to do my whole life.
i just want to finish uni already
or sleep in for the next two years and get a degree
and make money.
im going to sigh myself to sleep now
i want to be like the others.
completing uni and graduating.
if only i knew what i wanted earlier
and stopped fucking around with life
it would have been nicer to me
Thursday, July 22, 2010
polaroid this
so i think you guys would know by now
that i like pretty much anything photo related
i bought this polaroid branded mobile printer the other day
because it was dirt cheap!
had it charged up, connected and here is the first print!
also found an app that polaroids your photos.
something that will come in handy in the future =)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
the week
this week might be quite a big week for me.
not too sure what will happen yet, but well see.
but i think it will all be ok and ill have a good laugh at it,
along with everyone else when they find out.
not too sure what will happen yet, but well see.
but i think it will all be ok and ill have a good laugh at it,
along with everyone else when they find out.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
her room
it was so nice yesterday when i woke up
that i wanted to sew something
but realised i didnt have a few things that i needed
so i wandered around the house for a bit and ended up in jennys room
it was soo warm in there that i decided to lay in her bed
and read cyanide & happiness comics on my ipod all day
and a little bit of me just began to miss how my room use to be
until she moved in and totally took over it
slowly taking down my postcards,
bringing in new furniture and re-arranging the room
when you walk in my old room,
it really didnt feel like mine anymore.
i better start adjusting to my new room now
which ive been sleeping in for the past 7 months or so =s
Friday, July 9, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
dead battery
this is what happens when you talk in the car
with everything off besides the music!
friend and i talk in car with engine off
music still playing
friend says goodbye and leaves
i try to start car, doesnt start
i wait a couple of minutes, nothing
i search for my phone, call friend
"i think my battery is dead"
friend comes back, checks it out
"oh no i think your battery died"
we wait in car for a few more minutes
try and start car again, still nothing
friend gets out and pushes car to the driveway
i sit in the car and laugh
friend tells me to steer closer to the driveway
steering wheel locked!
friend tells me to put the key in the car
puts key in car, steer really hard to the left
turn on hazard light
friend goes into the house to look for jump cables
waiting waiting waiting
after awhile of waiting,
car pulls over on the other side of the road
i see car, pretend i didnt see them and stare straight ahead
car beeps
i turn my head left, right, left, right
i smile awkwardly and see them trying to get my attention
they roll their window down,
"are you alright there?"
me, scared, opens door and shouts
"yeh im cool, just waiting for a friend"
hazard lights still on, car is on an angle on the road
strangers car drives forward and does a u-turn
not knowing what to do,
i lock my doors after i see them drive off
wait a minute hoping noone will approach me
tries and starts the car again
because of the suspense
of waiting for friend to look for jump cables is killing me
i try to start the car again
car starts, engine running
calls friend,
"omg the car started"
"it did?, you going to be alright?"
"yeh i should be, ill call if anything"
"cool, see ya then. thanks heaps"
drives of, relieved.
moral to the story
- dont drain your car battery
- the music doesnt need to be on when youre talking
- have jump cables ready
- know how to use jump cables
- dont start a new conversation when youre almost dropping someone off
with everything off besides the music!
friend and i talk in car with engine off
music still playing
friend says goodbye and leaves
i try to start car, doesnt start
i wait a couple of minutes, nothing
i search for my phone, call friend
"i think my battery is dead"
friend comes back, checks it out
"oh no i think your battery died"
we wait in car for a few more minutes
try and start car again, still nothing
friend gets out and pushes car to the driveway
i sit in the car and laugh
friend tells me to steer closer to the driveway
steering wheel locked!
friend tells me to put the key in the car
puts key in car, steer really hard to the left
turn on hazard light
friend goes into the house to look for jump cables
waiting waiting waiting
after awhile of waiting,
car pulls over on the other side of the road
i see car, pretend i didnt see them and stare straight ahead
car beeps
i turn my head left, right, left, right
i smile awkwardly and see them trying to get my attention
they roll their window down,
"are you alright there?"
me, scared, opens door and shouts
"yeh im cool, just waiting for a friend"
hazard lights still on, car is on an angle on the road
strangers car drives forward and does a u-turn
not knowing what to do,
i lock my doors after i see them drive off
wait a minute hoping noone will approach me
tries and starts the car again
because of the suspense
of waiting for friend to look for jump cables is killing me
i try to start the car again
car starts, engine running
calls friend,
"omg the car started"
"it did?, you going to be alright?"
"yeh i should be, ill call if anything"
"cool, see ya then. thanks heaps"
drives of, relieved.
moral to the story
- dont drain your car battery
- the music doesnt need to be on when youre talking
- have jump cables ready
- know how to use jump cables
- dont start a new conversation when youre almost dropping someone off
Thursday, July 1, 2010
download me
i love trying to use up all my bandwidth on the very last day
and then spending my cold nights in bed
watching useless stuff i download/stream
it might be a fun winter this year after all
since we upgraded our net package,
things have never been the same
and then spending my cold nights in bed
watching useless stuff i download/stream
it might be a fun winter this year after all
since we upgraded our net package,
things have never been the same
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
forget me not
"in order to forget, we must remember something else. Spray to Forget acts as a conceptual sideways-elevator, nudging the unconscious to release a difficult memory and replace it with a more appealing one, or to create a new memory through experience."
im the type of person that remembers everything and anything
i remember a lot of useless things
my mind stores information like a hard drive
(but only memories,
everything academic just goes through the other ear)
and sometimes i just dont want to remember them anymore
but i do
im not talking about wanting to forget the negative things
im talking about useless things
things considered small to other people
and to me as well (maybe)
but having a good memory,
my head doesnt forget about it
and when i do remember these things and mention them
and only to find out the other person doesnt remember,
it makes me sad for some reason
it somewhat makes me feel insignificant
because i feel as though my mind has programmed itself
to remember this memory/fact
and therefore has subconsciously labeled it
somewhat "important" and worth remembering
but not important enough for the other person to remember
if only i can forget the things that other people forget,
i would make myself feel so much better.
but in the meantime
i have taught myself not to mention everything small
in this case,
i wont have to go through the disappointment of being forgotten
and then wanting to forget the feeling of being disappointed in the end
Sunday, June 20, 2010
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
Clementine: This is it, Joel. It's going to be gone soon.
Joel: I know.
Clementine: What do we do?
Joel: Enjoy it.
Joel: I know.
Clementine: What do we do?
Joel: Enjoy it.
Friday, June 18, 2010
chapter 11
"You never even worried, with Jane, whether your hand was sweaty or not. All you knew was, you were happy. You really were."
Thursday, June 10, 2010
21st thank you speech
ive just finished writing up my 21st thank you speech
its late i know
but thats what happens when you have a fake 21st party
and everything happens in the post and in the world wide web
but here is a little snippet
now to organise dates to send out cake!
(yes cake, as i had promised)
"so thank you for the
bus rides
train rides
ice cream
late night chats
debates and discussions
laughs and tears
my happy memories
your time
and most importantly,
your books.
and i know i dont hang with you guys frequently
or for some at all
but thank you for being you
and for everything else
that doesnt make sense in the world
thank you for reading =)
kim nguyen"
text message from johnny
"Awww I just cringed. Lol"
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
back to the present
been away for awhile sorting other things
will be back soon
to mope and write about all things useless.
will be back soon
to mope and write about all things useless.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
faking it
it was too cold to get out of bed today
(and if youve guessed it already,
yes, i didnt end up going to school.. again)
so on days in which i do leave the house
i usually take a shower immediately after i come home
that or ill have something to eat first
but most definitely,
i have to take my shower before i jump into bed
(this is because im mildly OCD
and cannot lay on my bed until im in my pjs)
anyways so i pretended that i went to school today
by having a shower at 4:30
(before everyone comes home from school and work)
so that when i came downstairs,
it would look as though ive just come home and had a shower
but my dads sixth sense questioned me
and the conversation went like this..
dad: you didnt go to school today did you?
me: nope, too cold today
dad: i knew it.
(i think it was because i went downstairs that set if off,
i usually dont go downstairs after my showers)
(and if youve guessed it already,
yes, i didnt end up going to school.. again)
so on days in which i do leave the house
i usually take a shower immediately after i come home
that or ill have something to eat first
but most definitely,
i have to take my shower before i jump into bed
(this is because im mildly OCD
and cannot lay on my bed until im in my pjs)
anyways so i pretended that i went to school today
by having a shower at 4:30
(before everyone comes home from school and work)
so that when i came downstairs,
it would look as though ive just come home and had a shower
but my dads sixth sense questioned me
and the conversation went like this..
dad: you didnt go to school today did you?
me: nope, too cold today
dad: i knew it.
(i think it was because i went downstairs that set if off,
i usually dont go downstairs after my showers)
Monday, May 10, 2010
the number of days ive slept through my alarm
the number of days ive forgotten to get out of bed
the number of steps it takes me to get to the bathroom
the number of times ive missed the train
the number of times ive misplaced my mp3
the number of days ive walked in the rain without an umbrella
the number of days i didnt do my homework
the number of days ive skipped class
the number of candy fizzers in a packet
the number of hugs ive received from my siblings
the number of times my dad has told me to clean my room
the number of times ive fallen asleep with the tv on
the number of songs on my playlist at the moment
the number of times ive had to remind myself to change my facebook dp
the number of photos ive taken yesterday
the number of times ive forgotten to charge my phone
the number of times ive had to get out of bed because ive forgotten something
the number of times ive told myself to stop thinking
the number of days i actually slept early for a change
the number of days im not sure if i want to wake up
the number of my current age
whatever 21 is,
its just a number, a two digit number
do whatever you want with it
divide it by 3, add it to your life or subtract it from your mind
i dont know how to feel about being 21
am i suppose to feel wiser, taller, happier?
more of an adult?
it has no real significance to me whatsoever
the number of days ive forgotten to get out of bed
the number of steps it takes me to get to the bathroom
the number of times ive missed the train
the number of times ive misplaced my mp3
the number of days ive walked in the rain without an umbrella
the number of days i didnt do my homework
the number of days ive skipped class
the number of candy fizzers in a packet
the number of hugs ive received from my siblings
the number of times my dad has told me to clean my room
the number of times ive fallen asleep with the tv on
the number of songs on my playlist at the moment
the number of times ive had to remind myself to change my facebook dp
the number of photos ive taken yesterday
the number of times ive forgotten to charge my phone
the number of times ive had to get out of bed because ive forgotten something
the number of times ive told myself to stop thinking
the number of days i actually slept early for a change
the number of days im not sure if i want to wake up
the number of my current age
whatever 21 is,
its just a number, a two digit number
do whatever you want with it
divide it by 3, add it to your life or subtract it from your mind
i dont know how to feel about being 21
am i suppose to feel wiser, taller, happier?
more of an adult?
it has no real significance to me whatsoever
Monday, May 3, 2010
the catcher in the rye
"If you feel like you are going insane,
and you are trapped in a
dysfunctional environment,
You Are Not Crazy."
-Frank Warren
and you are trapped in a
dysfunctional environment,
You Are Not Crazy."
-Frank Warren
Friday, April 30, 2010
remind me
i dont think my sea monkeys will survive this cold weather
so someone remind me to start growing them in september
when spring arrives.
so someone remind me to start growing them in september
when spring arrives.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
i woke up early today
but was too cold to get out of bed
so i laid there until i missed my train
and thought there really was no use going to school late
and stayed in bed the whole day
my bad habits have returned again..
so i laid there until i missed my train
and thought there really was no use going to school late
and stayed in bed the whole day
my bad habits have returned again..
Saturday, April 17, 2010
til thursday
im hanging out for thursday.
all assignments will be due
and i will have time to hang out with my new beloved diana!
i seriously cant wait.
its so tempting to open the box
but i know i shouldnt or else i wouldnt get any work done.
all assignments will be due
and i will have time to hang out with my new beloved diana!
i seriously cant wait.
its so tempting to open the box
but i know i shouldnt or else i wouldnt get any work done.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
last names
so we were talking about last names,
nguyens in particular..
and the conversation kinda went something like this
t talking about how his friend is a nguyen,
my best friend is a nguyen and how im a nguyen..
a totally agrees how there are so much of us
t and a start to remember a past employee who was also a nguyen
"what was his name again?"
t and a.. "johnny! thats his name. that guy was.."
(in fear of hearing something i didnt want to hear)
k raises hand and admits "yeh, that was my brother"
t and a look at k
t: no.. cant be
(conversation continues..)
k: no its my brother, he use to work there
(trying to convince them johnny is my brother)
t and a: whatever, that guy lived in oak park, he use to work with d
t: and where do you live? like in upfield?
a: oh no wait, w lived in oak park
t: no j he lived in oak park!
k: dudes, i think i know my own brother.
why dont you just believe me?
a: ok ok. what did he have on the side..
k: a red transformer decal!
and with that one answer, i convinced them that he was my brother.
nguyens in particular..
and the conversation kinda went something like this
t talking about how his friend is a nguyen,
my best friend is a nguyen and how im a nguyen..
a totally agrees how there are so much of us
t and a start to remember a past employee who was also a nguyen
"what was his name again?"
t and a.. "johnny! thats his name. that guy was.."
(in fear of hearing something i didnt want to hear)
k raises hand and admits "yeh, that was my brother"
t and a look at k
t: no.. cant be
(conversation continues..)
k: no its my brother, he use to work there
(trying to convince them johnny is my brother)
t and a: whatever, that guy lived in oak park, he use to work with d
t: and where do you live? like in upfield?
a: oh no wait, w lived in oak park
t: no j he lived in oak park!
k: dudes, i think i know my own brother.
why dont you just believe me?
a: ok ok. what did he have on the side..
k: a red transformer decal!
and with that one answer, i convinced them that he was my brother.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
fully tanked
H: so guess what?
K: what?
H: i started going gym
K: lol wth? but youre not fat
H: i dont have to be fat to go to gym!
K: ahahha then why are you going to gym?
H: i wanna bulk up and be tank
K: oh, but youre tall..
K: what?
H: i started going gym
K: lol wth? but youre not fat
H: i dont have to be fat to go to gym!
K: ahahha then why are you going to gym?
H: i wanna bulk up and be tank
K: oh, but youre tall..
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
snap your knees
Friday, April 2, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
late night
while i struggle to finish my assignment
i shall tell you that my dad thought i tattooed my knee
the other day i was bored and with a sharpie lying around
i dotted a backwards "k" followed "im" on my knee for fun
my dad saw it and went
"omg is that new? i havent seen that before! is that a tattoo?"
i laughed and said.. "i dunno"
and then in a split second he licked his finger
and tackled my knee with it!
(surprising, it didnt smudge)
it was gross feeling his saliva on my knee
so i wiped it on his shirt and went YUCCKKK!
and he goes "omg its real. did you do it today?"
and i reply "i dont know, dont ask me questions. lets talk about something else"
i shall tell you that my dad thought i tattooed my knee
the other day i was bored and with a sharpie lying around
i dotted a backwards "k" followed "im" on my knee for fun
my dad saw it and went
"omg is that new? i havent seen that before! is that a tattoo?"
i laughed and said.. "i dunno"
and then in a split second he licked his finger
and tackled my knee with it!
(surprising, it didnt smudge)
it was gross feeling his saliva on my knee
so i wiped it on his shirt and went YUCCKKK!
and he goes "omg its real. did you do it today?"
and i reply "i dont know, dont ask me questions. lets talk about something else"
Monday, March 22, 2010
jenny likes her jeans
yesterday jenny told me she didnt want to go to a party our family were going to
i thought she was crazy because what kind of kid doesnt like going out?
jenny told me she knew her mum wont let her wear her denim jeans
i told her just go wear whatever she wanted to
after changing, her mum yells at her
her mum: why are you wearing that? change back into your dress
jenny: but i dont want to, i like this
her mum: you! youre such a tomboy! all the other girls wear dresses
jenny: but i like this
her mum: you always wear that though! you have plenty of other clothes to wear. youre such a tomboy! youre exactly like a boy! dont come then, stay home!
(jenny starts to cry)
her mum: you always wear the same thing, youre going to a party, everyones going to look at you
jenny: i dont want to go anymore.
(runs upstairs heartbroken)
her mum: get down here now and change your clothes!
i dont know what happened next because i was in the middle of falling asleep after finishing work but i know she went to the party.
i kind of feel sorry for her at that moment.
jenny is not a tomboy, she just felt more comfy in jeans than a dress that day because she wanted to run around with the other kids if she were to go.
she usually likes to dress her mood, and she felt like wearing jeans so i dont see why she just cant wear them.
i thought she was crazy because what kind of kid doesnt like going out?
jenny told me she knew her mum wont let her wear her denim jeans
i told her just go wear whatever she wanted to
after changing, her mum yells at her
her mum: why are you wearing that? change back into your dress
jenny: but i dont want to, i like this
her mum: you! youre such a tomboy! all the other girls wear dresses
jenny: but i like this
her mum: you always wear that though! you have plenty of other clothes to wear. youre such a tomboy! youre exactly like a boy! dont come then, stay home!
(jenny starts to cry)
her mum: you always wear the same thing, youre going to a party, everyones going to look at you
jenny: i dont want to go anymore.
(runs upstairs heartbroken)
her mum: get down here now and change your clothes!
i dont know what happened next because i was in the middle of falling asleep after finishing work but i know she went to the party.
i kind of feel sorry for her at that moment.
jenny is not a tomboy, she just felt more comfy in jeans than a dress that day because she wanted to run around with the other kids if she were to go.
she usually likes to dress her mood, and she felt like wearing jeans so i dont see why she just cant wear them.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
another year
believe it or not first ever family photo
another year, another birthday, another dinner
just realised its been a year now since this blog
i was in the car today and realised
"hey i started this when we went out for johnnys birthday"
anyways once again we had dinner at supper inn
and i only just realised my siblings dont like eating tofu
i usually order a vegie dish to eat with rice
but this time i had tofu and mushrooms
and noone liked it..
and when i couldnt finish it off
i couldnt even force my siblings to eat it (double sad face)
best thing though was banana fritter and ice cream! yum
and bubble cup for an after hours drink
funny thing was the guy took his time making our drinks
because he was at the back making a call
and when i checked on him he was crying
til my dad got frustrated and told him off
so he resumed making our drinks whilst crying (well teary)
and there we were watching him whilst i was laughing
and tommy asking me if he just broke up with his girlfriend
and johnny smirking away
but afterwards dad told him to cheer up
and if his still sad, have a few drinks at the pub
anyways thats it from me
johnnys bin is too small!
Friday, March 5, 2010
i hate that feeling you get when you want to vomit
as though something in your stomach isnt sitting right
like i have eaten meat or something
and all i want to do is throw up
but i cant!
i tried eating other foods and drinks
to keep it down but it still feels funny
and brushing my teeth didnt help either.
as though something in your stomach isnt sitting right
like i have eaten meat or something
and all i want to do is throw up
but i cant!
i tried eating other foods and drinks
to keep it down but it still feels funny
and brushing my teeth didnt help either.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
johnny brother..
johnny has been popping up in my convos lately
for the one liner here and there that may be misinterpreted
johnny to future roommate who is now his roommate
"ive never done this before"
johnny to a friend in a club after a brief conversation
"i have a girlfriend"
johnny texting me after asking him if he wanted to buy any shirts
"nah dont tempt me"
sometimes he makes me laugh
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
new york i love you
i usually dont admit to liking the odd chick flick here and there
but yes i do want to watch this movie
and have been for the past couple of months
and now im going to watch it after i ransack my friends computer!
anyways for some reason when i think about this movie
this song always plays in my head
even though its not featured on the soundtrack..
or i dont think it is..
so heres a kermit version of it.
lol kermit. he makes me laugh
Friday, January 29, 2010
i like to eat a different variety of fruits
and whilst in vietnam of last year
my aunty bought me tons of different fruit to eat
and one of them were pomegranate
i remember telling her how it looked just like a pretty pebble
whilst i was separating it like corn to eat
a few days ago i found some pomegranate in a fruit shop
and bought a few to eat and yummmm!
i wish we had more pomegranates sold around here
so jenny and i can sneak down stairs
at night and eat them when were bored!
Monday, January 25, 2010
sleeping with wolves
i lose hope and crouch under the phone booth
i see them coming towards me, its cold and snowing
i make no effort in getting away this time
with my eyes closed, head down
and arms wrapped around my legs, i shiver violently
i see them coming towards me, its cold and snowing
i make no effort in getting away this time
with my eyes closed, head down
and arms wrapped around my legs, i shiver violently
Sunday, January 24, 2010
i can so cook
finally alone with no siblings in my way!
so dad went to queensland for a while
and whilst at home i cooked
because i refuse to let tommy eat take away
unless his friends were over or something
it was good cooking without having dad behind me
constantly pestering
"you dont know what youre doing"
"you better eat what you cook"
"you better clean up after yourself"
"your making such a racket"
"so are you going to start cooking from now on?"
anyways i didnt take pictures of everything
but these are what i made

eggplant fries! (not as good as crooners though)

honey soy stir fry noodles with mushrooms, eggplant and bean shoots
with rockmelon and apple juice

curried vegies (carrot, potato, eggplant and mushrooms) with coconut and lime continental rice (rice was gross though, dont ever try it! trust me)
penne pasta in creamy sauce with broccoli, pumpkin, mushrooms, carrots
potato croquettes with cheese and sweet corn
nougat with chopped pistachio nuts (didnt turn out right, was more like a marshmallow)
chicken schnitzel wrapped in a tortilla with mayo whilst i had the same with vegie fingers from birds eye (gotta love birds eye and other baked goods)
fried tofu with rice
mango and lemon sorbet smoothies
coffee cookies and cream milkshakes
other than that we had
birds eye fish fingers and vegie fingers as nightly snacks
and crunchy nut for breakfast
which would of really been more like dunch (lunch/dinner?)
and of course nightly cups of milk with nesquik and milo!
i enjoyed the 10 or so days without my dad at home
doing house chores have never been so fun
especially when tommy and i close the gate at like 4 in the morning
and it wont be open til 5 in the afternoon the next day
unless i had work.. haha
which i really struggled to wake up on time for.
so dad went to queensland for a while
and whilst at home i cooked
because i refuse to let tommy eat take away
unless his friends were over or something
it was good cooking without having dad behind me
constantly pestering
"you dont know what youre doing"
"you better eat what you cook"
"you better clean up after yourself"
"your making such a racket"
"so are you going to start cooking from now on?"
anyways i didnt take pictures of everything
but these are what i made
eggplant fries! (not as good as crooners though)
honey soy stir fry noodles with mushrooms, eggplant and bean shoots
with rockmelon and apple juice
curried vegies (carrot, potato, eggplant and mushrooms) with coconut and lime continental rice (rice was gross though, dont ever try it! trust me)
penne pasta in creamy sauce with broccoli, pumpkin, mushrooms, carrots
potato croquettes with cheese and sweet corn
nougat with chopped pistachio nuts (didnt turn out right, was more like a marshmallow)
chicken schnitzel wrapped in a tortilla with mayo whilst i had the same with vegie fingers from birds eye (gotta love birds eye and other baked goods)
fried tofu with rice
mango and lemon sorbet smoothies
coffee cookies and cream milkshakes
other than that we had
birds eye fish fingers and vegie fingers as nightly snacks
and crunchy nut for breakfast
which would of really been more like dunch (lunch/dinner?)
and of course nightly cups of milk with nesquik and milo!
i enjoyed the 10 or so days without my dad at home
doing house chores have never been so fun
especially when tommy and i close the gate at like 4 in the morning
and it wont be open til 5 in the afternoon the next day
unless i had work.. haha
which i really struggled to wake up on time for.
Friday, January 8, 2010
happy snaps
now that i have a job and i get paid
i cant wait to go and buy cameras!
i think im going to build my collection slowly
here are a few things on my list
olympus e-p2

diana f+ deluxe kit

i cant wait to save up and buy these
but in the mean time,
im going to start and experiment on my matchbox pinholes again

(and yes i made this using a matchbox, electrical tape, some film, a pin and a can)
heres a few images from the first batch a while back

because it was my first time making the pinhole,
pictures didnt come out that great.
but should be better next time!
i cant wait to go and buy cameras!
i think im going to build my collection slowly
here are a few things on my list
olympus e-p2
diana f+ deluxe kit
i cant wait to save up and buy these
but in the mean time,
im going to start and experiment on my matchbox pinholes again
(and yes i made this using a matchbox, electrical tape, some film, a pin and a can)
heres a few images from the first batch a while back

because it was my first time making the pinhole,
pictures didnt come out that great.
but should be better next time!
Friday, January 1, 2010
tell dad im in a movie!
tommy reads his text message from johnny saying
"tell dad im in a movie!"
tommy: hey kim johnny sent me this, what movie?
kim: i dunno? alvin and the chipmunks? avatar?
tommy: why would he tell me that?
kim: er so you can tell dad
tommy: are you sure his watching a movie?
kim: yeh
tommy: i think he means his in a movie, like acting
(kim bursts out laughing)
kim: why would you think that?
tommy: i dunno, then why would johnny want to tell dad his in a movie?
kim: because maybe dad was trying to call johnny,
and he couldnt pick up his phone?
tommy: oh.. yeh.. lol
my dads just left for queensland, yay
hello twenyty-ten
"tell dad im in a movie!"
tommy: hey kim johnny sent me this, what movie?
kim: i dunno? alvin and the chipmunks? avatar?
tommy: why would he tell me that?
kim: er so you can tell dad
tommy: are you sure his watching a movie?
kim: yeh
tommy: i think he means his in a movie, like acting
(kim bursts out laughing)
kim: why would you think that?
tommy: i dunno, then why would johnny want to tell dad his in a movie?
kim: because maybe dad was trying to call johnny,
and he couldnt pick up his phone?
tommy: oh.. yeh.. lol
my dads just left for queensland, yay
hello twenyty-ten
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